Inviting youth and families to experience God through the power of the Holy Spirit in a simple church context.
Monday, December 19
Friday, December 9
"Conversion of the Church"
The Company of the Committed
by Elton Trueblood
Harper & Row, New York, 1961
pg. 10-11
"The Conversion of the Church"
"This phrase provides the real justification of the labor of writing books such as this. We have reason to believe that civilization cannot be redeemed without the Church as a redemptive society, but the disturbing thought, which must always be matched with this one, is that the Church as we know it is not now good enough to fulfill its redemptive function. The basic trouble is that the proposed cure has such a striking similarity to the disease. No one denomination has the perfect pattern and , furthermore, no church has the right to be proud. I do not know precisely what the true Church is, but I am certain that it is different from and better mine. We do not seek a victory from any of the existing groups, as thou Christianity were engaged in an internal power struggle. Indeed, it is important for us to realize that words like "Catholic," "Protestant," and "Evangelical" have become so ambiguous as to be virtually meaningless. Nor is mere union of the denominations our primary need if we are to have renewal. The movement we need is a movement in depth, and if it is deep enough the problem of unity will take care of itself. As lines go down vertically from the surface of the earth they necessarily come nearer to one another. In any case, the divided condition of the modern Church is by no means its greatest evil or weakness. We could stand division if we had genuine commitment to Christ and His cause."
I would like to chew on this for a couple of days. I believe the truth and wisdom in this little bit is found in the "Depth" of the movement... Not the "separateness" of the movement.
I believe that if House Churches / Simple Churches are going to be the movement that redeems the world, we are in desperate need of understanding how to encourage our "traditional" brothers as we ourselves embark on uncharted relationships with neighbors, co-workers, and friends.
May God teach us all to bless and encourage each other as we seek to impact our world for Jesus Christ.
Friday, November 4
In Denver for Evanglical Friends International
Wednesday, November 2
Sharing Jesus... the good news!
Fruit takes a season to harvest. I need to keep that in mind. The seed of the gospel needs time to grow.
So much of my thinking is from the "old" school of thought that says... Save them today, close the deal, make the sale.
Today is about planting , tomorrow is about watering, the next day may be about cultivating and watering again, and eventually there will be a Harvest. I need to be about praying for harvesters so that when the fruit begins to ripen, there will be enough workers to gather the fruit and guide it to a productive place.
Seeds take time to grow, new plants take time to get established, and mature plants need pruning to be fruitful.
Saturday, October 1
Some Reminders
Here are a few reminders about our gatherings.
Personal time with Jesus away from the gatherings/meetings. Time by yourself, with your spouse, or with your family reading God’s word and praying is the backbone of what we are doing. You need to take time during the week to contemplate and meditate on the things of God. (His Word, His Creation, His Character) Jenny and I encourage you to do this not just by yourself but with your spouse and/or your family. If you have no family or spouse, grab a close friend. Our home calls this time “JAM Time”. (Jesus And Me Time) Our strength lies in our daily “personal relationship” with our Creator, Jesus Christ. He is the backbone of our gatherings. He is the grand architect for our meetings. He knows where to place each living stone. (First Peter Chapter 2) We must stay in constant fellowship with Jesus Christ in order for our gatherings to come to have life and meaning.
Bring something to share to each gathering/meeting. It could be as simple as a word of encouragement, a song, a verse from the Bible, or a testimony of how God is working in and through your life. Meetings are only awkward when we have not come prepared to build each other up and encourage one another. When we come prepared to share what God is teaching us, we come full of life, ready to give it away. There are times when we have nothing to share because we are just exhausted or have been distracted throughout our week. Come prepared to share just that... “I am exhausted and I have nothing to share, would you please pray for me to get through this time.” You see, there is always something to share!
During our times of open worship (Times that we sing, pray, read the word), quiet your heart before God and ask Him to speak to your heart. Listen for the “still small voice”(Ps. 46:10;83:10;95:6-11). He, the Holy Spirit, may remind you of God’s faithfulness to you during the week, and if so then share it. He may remind you of un-confessed sin, if so then share it with Him and if you feel led with the group. He may ask you to share something with the group from the Bible, make sure that you do so. Jesus is the head of the church and He will guide our meetings, if we come prepared to share and to listen.
Prayer...Prayer...and more Prayer! Pray without ceasing. We must learn to bring everything to God in prayer. He does hear us!
Gather outside the gatherings as “brothers and sisters” in the household of Jesus Christ. Get together to watch movies, have game nights, etc. The Body of Christ (those who are believers) need to learn the art of “fun” and “joy”. For some reason, it was lost over the last century.
Engage our community... Get involved in our communities and make a difference. Build bridges of relationship with those outside of the Christian community. Let the light of Jesus shine brightly in the world in which we live. Pray and ask the Lord to lead you into some sort of community involvement that puts you in touch with people who do not know Jesus Christ. This will give you an opportunity to “shine brightly” as a follower of Jesus Christ.
Lastly, remember that how we act throughout our day is worship. We are in the presence of God 24/7 whether we want to admit it or not. Being a Christian is something that you are... not something that you do once or twice a week.
Friday, September 30
Jenny and Bill at Dinner
Sunday, September 25
Inward or Outward Focussed
Click here.
Monday, September 19
The Battle Rages On!
You ask, how is the battle? The battle is just that... A battle. Victory... Victory... Victory... Oops forgot the basics and back to the battle again. It seems to be a relentless series of mind numbing events. The first chance the enemy sees a chink in the armor... KAPOW! I get up off the ground, remember that I am a child of the King... Princes don't pout, they are royalty. My Father thinks the best of me! What was I thinking... Oh, yes, the battle rages on! I pick up the Shield of Faith that I set down a day before, retrieve my Sword of the Spirit that was a few feet behind the shield. I buckle my belt and cover my exposed heart with armor, reminded to accept the grace of God and praise him for keeping me from a fatal wound to my heart. I place my helmet back on my head, gird my loins and return to my battling posture... A firm stance of PRAYER! (Ephesians 6:10-18)
I hope you enjoyed it!
Friday, September 9
Is Jesus Active?
1. Is Jesus active in the affairs of my life? Am I willing to be emptied of my own agenda and pride?
2. Am I willing to be available to be used by Jesus in the lives of anyone?
3. Do I seek His peace and direction every moment of my day. When I work and when I play.
4. Are my kids getting this from me?
Well, I am tired of posting, I have still so much to process and things to catch up on since being gone for 5 days. Blessings to all who seek Jesus. He will meet you in the most personal way. Just call out to Him and seek Him with all your heart. He will be there!
Saturday, September 3
Our Worst Enemy...
"an older man Harold, with his 30-years of experience in simple/organic churches, did the best to answer the tough questions about leadership, heresy, doctrine, deliverance… He made a good point: “Your worst enemy is your experience as a leader in a conventional church. You have to learn to talk less, talk quieter and to listen more. You should help people to connect with Jesus.”. Click here for the rest of Freddy's Blog.
Wednesday, August 31
Off to Denver...
Across Generations
Click Here.
Part of the Friday Fax...
Tuesday, August 30
Nipomo / Arroyo Grande House Church gets in the Newspaper
Click Here
Good Questions for Particpants/Individuals in House Church
These questions are designed primarily for groups of two or three who meet weekly for accountability, Bible study and prayer. Some were taken from questions used by Neil Cole who in turn adapted them from Charles Swindoll and Howard Hendricks. Others were adapted from "queries" used by Friends for many years. Please note that some emphasize what we should do, while others emphasize what we should not do
Have you verbally shared your faith in Christ this week?
Have you found joy in the Lord through prayer, Bible reading, gathering for worship, and a lifestyle of giving thanks in all circumstances?
Have you forgiven everyone who hurt you or disappointed you, seeking to resolve any conflict with love and understanding?
Have you damaged another person by your words, either behind their back or face to face? Have you kept away from racist jokes and comments?
Have you avoided emotional or sexual intimacy outside of marriage this week? Have you engaged in lustful attitudes, pornography or sexually explicit communication?
Have you actively nourished your marriage, family and friends in Christ, making your home a pleasant, peaceful place? Have you kept marriage and family in balance with work and career?
Have you given to Christ all you own and all you influence? Have you been completely above reproach in your financial dealings, prompt in paying your debts, careful to live within your income, honoring Christ with gifts and offerings?
Have you sought to be a good steward of the natural resources that God has surrounded you with, including but not limited to recycling materials and items for others to use. Have you choosen to live with less than more so that the gospel can be preached to all and that those with nothing may have their needs met?
Have you succumbed to a bad habit, personal addiction, substance abuse, or kept any kind of idol in your heart, such as greed for money or from the abuse of good things, such as food and medications?
Have you deceived anyone, told half-truths or outright lies this week?
Have you taken a day of rest and restoration this week?
Visit for more questions or querries.
Good Questions for Leadership
Have we served others by doing good? Have we proclaimed the gospel, fulfilling the Great Commission in the spirit of the Great Commandment?
Have we obeyed the Scriptures, by giving correction to those who have gone astray?
Have we built unity for important steps of faith, asking for church-wide prayer and feedback?
Have we tried to squelch gossip, and instead encouraged the disgruntled to talk to the right person in the right spirit?
Have we dealt fairly with conflict and tried to bring about biblical reconciliation?
Have we stayed active—personally and as a body—in sharing our faith, making disciples and developing leaders? Have we encouraged all of our people to use their unique spiritual gifts?
Have we faithfully taught the word and truth of God, including those testimonies which we as believers have been called to share?
Visit for more questions or querries.
Monday, August 29
The "Ancient Church" was a Family... A Christian Mediterranean Family System
Sharing common meals and having all things in common was much more than just sitting around tables eating and sharing what happened during the week. It was a lifestyle or social struture that affected all other parts of their life. They became family. They became brothers and sisters.
Here are a couple of the values of the "ancient" church and how they operated as a family. First, they viewed each other as siblings... You did the following to each other much as a MFS would operate. MFS Siblings shared certain values that in today' western individualistic minutest would seem foreign and counter productive.
1. Refraining from avenging a wrong suffered at the hand of another community member
2. Equitable distribution of the communities resources to meet the pressing needs of fellow Christians
3. Honoring, rather than seeking honor from, one's siblings in the faith
4. Manumitting, or at least in other ways treating as a "beloved brother", a slave who had become a Christian brother.
in Paul's writings, family loyalty or "faith family" loyalty is one of his primary themes. He continually pulls his readers into an understanding that we are now a "family of believers". Not a group or gathering, but rather a MFS gathering of believers.
The value of being family was one of the most important themes carried through the New Testament writings. We must change our thinking in the West if we are going to understand why the church was so affective and effective in the first 3 centuries of it's history.
Below is a copy of how Christians had so rocked the pagan world. The MFS of Christianity was bugging the pagans so bad that they realized that they too had better change or loose control of their systems.
The religion of the Greeks does not yet prosper as I would wish, on account of those who profess it. But the gifts of the gods are great and splendid, better than any prayer or any hope . . . Indeed, a little while ago no one would have dared even to pray for a such change, and so complete a one in so short a space of time [i.e., the arrival of Julian himself, a reforming traditionalist, on the throne]. Why then do we think that this is sufficient and do not observe how the kindness of Christians to strangers, their care for the burial of their dead, and the sobriety of their lifestyle has done the most to advance their cause?
Each of these things, I think, ought really to be practiced by us. It is not sufficient for you alone to practice them, but so must all the priests in Galatia [in modern Turkey] without exception. Either make these men good by shaming them, persuade them to become so or fire them . . . Secondly, exhort the priests neither to approach a theater nor to drink in a tavern, nor to profess any base or infamous trade. Honor those who obey and expel those who disobey.
Julian the Apostate, Letter to Arsacius
The Emperor Julian, who reigned around the year 360, like all Emperors, was Pontifex Maximus, Chief Priest of the State Religion.
If you are interested in a good book to read about all of this stuff. I suggest the following.
The Ancient Church As Family
by Dr. Joseph H. Hellerman
He does a great job in helping us understand the MFS mindset and how it differs from Postmodern and Modern Western Individualism.
Friday, August 26
The Making of a Modern Dad, by
It is more natural than we think for Dad's to nurture their kids.
Click Here.
Quote from Article.
"The research suggests that a man's hormones may play an important role in helping him experience this full range of emotions especially in becoming a loving and devoted dad. In fact, it offers the first evidence that to nurture is part of man's nature."
Revolution: Barna's New Book coming soon.
Click Here.
Sunday, August 21
Traditional Church thoughts on "Cycle of House Church".
Click Here.
Saturday, August 20
"Out of Church" warning from Andrew Strom
"There are praying church people - totally in the "system" - who leave us for dead in the areas that truly matter - the areas of the "heart" - our relationship with God and our love for people. Go and meet these "praying grandmas" sometime. Many of them honestly leave us for dead."
Click Here!
Friday, August 19
Encouraging Testimony of a life changed!
What is the "End Game" of Simple Church?
Brag/Love on your kids...
With all the negative input that our kids get from other media, we need to offset the mis-information by helping them understand how much God loves them and how much we love them.
Thursday, August 18
Franklin Lake Aquaculture Farm
Enjoying the slide but not the smell of the water!
Slider Dude
Franklin Hot Springs, Paso Robles
That pipe in the middle puts out 900 Gallons per minute of Sulfur Hot Springs Water. 98.8 F. constant.
Growing Fast
Tuesday, August 16
The quote is from a Vegetis , however I think in a spiritual sense it is true. Peace only comes after the battle for our soul/hearts is won. We need people to battle for the souls of others, not with words of hate/criticism, or negativity. Battle on our knees, and see if God is't who he says he is. "Lord of the Angel Armies"!
Putting on the full armor of God is a "military" thing. So many times the Bible uses military terms to describe this war of evil vs. God.
If we want peace in the lives of people, will will have to prepare for war. No greater way to prepare for battle then to do it in prayer.
Pray for victory in the lives of people, I believe that the battle begins and ends on our knees, the rest is just fruit for the pick'in.
Sunday, August 14
The Church that Jesus Built?
Click Here
Tuesday, August 9
The Boom!
When we walk into a room or our place of work, do people here the "BOOM!" that knowing Jesus Christ makes? Do our "works" for Christ Boom in the face of a world looking for peace?
Just needed to blog while I was away from home. Hope to be home soon!
Thursday, August 4
Sharing Christ through Relationship not Confrontation
Click Here
Tuesday, August 2
Sharpening Our Focus for the Battle by Jim Burns
Click Here
Simple Church Basics: Building Community
Grace is faced with the issue of full disclosure. At first, Grace fears disclosing to Bob her heart condition, however after coming across information that she is the recipient of Bob’s wife’s heart, she is overwhelmed with fear until she discloses the truth to Bob. Grace had a grasp that pure/genuine relationships can only take place in the midst of full honest disclosure. Until she could be truthful with Bob about everything, their relationship would lack depth and meaning.
Our relationship with our Maker, our spouse, and our spiritual community is much the same way. We must be able to talk freely about our fears and failures if we are to build any depth into our relationships. Confessing our sins to God and to one another is a vital step in our spiritual journey (James 5:16). Much like Grace understood that she is unable to have a “true relationship” with Bob without full disclosure, we too must understand that without open honest relationships, we will fail in our journey towards fellowship with God, our spouse/family , and our spiritual gathering. Here are some practical thoughts in nurturing your most vital relationships.
1. Talk to God in prayer about everything in your life. You may think that it is insignificant, however God desires a relationship with you not your “want” list. Read His word to understand his thoughts on the topic. Talk to Him about your fears, failures, joys, and successes. Don’t ever stop sharing your heart with Him.
2. Full disclosure with a spouse/family can be difficult at times. However, I have found that over time, it is better to know and understand each other’s struggles than to live in denial. If this has not been a regular part of your relationship with your spouse, I would encourage you to discuss the idea of “full disclosure” and then as each spouse feels led, share needs, fears, and successes. Pray with each other over them and continue to understand each other deeply. Gather tools to encourage each other and pray for each other daily. You cannot pass on to your kids and grandchildren something that you are unable to practice yourself.
3. Appropriately share with your spiritual community. Confessing our sins one to another is a humbling practice. However, I urge you to do it with wisdom. Confession is not for the purpose of “fixing” each other, but rather encouraging each other to live a life of purity before God. When things are brought into the open it takes the devil’s foothold off your life. It may be appropriate at times to break the group into smaller gender specific groups of men, women, and young people.
Just as Grace understood that her relationship with Bob would never be meaningful without fully disclosing her condition and whose heart she had, we too will never understand true community until we learn to disclose our challenges to God, our spouse/family, and our spiritual community. Paul shares with the Thessalonian church that he not only shared the Gospel of God but his life, that is why they became such dear brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ. May you begin to understand the power of true community in the midst of your challenges. Remember that Jesus Christ is made perfect in our weakness not just in our strengths.
Thursday, July 28
Simple Church Basics: Passion for Prayer
Kurt Russell plays the role of Coach Herb Brooks. Herb Brooks, like our Heavenly Father, knew his players. He understood their weaknesses and their strengths. He understood how far he could push his team in order to get their best. Herb understood how to prepare his team to compete physically and mentally at an Olympic level. All throughout the movie, Herb states that they, the hockey team, may not be the most gifted team on the ice at Lake Placid but they will be the best-conditioned team. What made the difference was their conditioning. This proved true as they out-skated the Soviets in the final minutes of the Olympic playoffs. They broke a 20-year Soviet monopoly over the world of hockey.
This got me thinking, what are the basics in Kingdom living? Where has the evil one had a spiritual monopoly on people and their lives? What would it take to play on God’s team at that level of life change? What am I neglecting in my conditioning to be the best team player for the kingdom? If physical conditioning was a key to success in playing hockey at an Olympic level, then prayer must be one of the spiritual exercises necessary to reconcile lives to their Creator.
All great books on significant spiritual movements in the Kingdom of God share a common theme… Prayer! Usually one chapter is spent on this critical “basic”. The rest of the book tells the story. What would happen if every committed follower of the Way started praying for people to be reconciled to their Maker. I am not talking about a “short” prayer, but prayer that includes your heart, your mind, and your soul. Passionate prayer, like the kind which brought Jesus weeping to His knees in the Garden of Gethsemane. Prayers filled with emotion and passion. I am talking about prayer where people plead with God for reconciliation. I am on this journey with you so here are some of my practical thoughts to start practicing passionate prayer.
1. First pray for deep inner life reconciliation in your own life. We all have enough “garbage” of our own to take to the Father. Pray through every bit of it. Ask for insight to your challenges and ask for strength to meet them. God will reveal to you the areas of your life that need Him and He will meet you there. He will assist you in taking out the garbage in a way only He can. After this experience with the Father, you will be in a humble state of mind to proceed.
2. Secondly, after you have taken a dip in humility in step one, pray for your own immediate family. Pray for them, your relationship with them, and their relationship with God. I am not talking a trite “God please be with Billy, He is a real dork and needs to change his personality!” I am talking prayers like, “God Billy needs you, needs you like I needed you. He needs you to meet him personally in a profound way. Would you please touch Billy’s life. Lord, Like Moses didn’t give up on your people, I am not giving up on Billy. I know you can make changes in the hardest of hearts. So please Lord hear my prayers for Billy.” Then Stop, Listen, and wait a while, then plead with God again if you don’t hear a response. Don’t give up, pray for Billy constantly throughout your day. Come to a point of being passionate about Billy’s relationship with his Maker. Tears will flow and eventually God will hear you and begin to work in Billy’s life. A peace will come over you on the matter of Billy that you don’t understand. Only then should you move on to the next family member. Try taking one on at a time. Stay focused until you sense a Holy Peace from the Father.
3. Lastly, pray for your church family and its leadership. The Holy Spirit will guide you in these prayers if you are willing to Stop, Listen, and Respond. Your spiritual community is critical to your own health in the Kingdom struggle. Team up with them and pray for them and with them on the matters in one and two. You will find great strength in numbers.
We have a phrase in our home that we are trying to live out. Church begins at home. We must first learn to put these basics to work at home, not in a building or spiritual gathering. The next generation will understand the true power of God and be convinced/persuaded to follow Him if they see it working in the lives of their parents and grandparents.
Wednesday, July 27
New Churches dot Com
Click on...New Churches Ministries
Look at the title that says church types... Emerging, Multiple Housing, House Churches, Ethnic Churches
Open Church Ministires
Click on...Open Church Ministries
Tuesday, July 26
Tithing and Giving Perspective from Harold Behr
Read it here...
Breaking Camp! I love camping... House church?
Read it here...
Thankfulness During Trials or Health Problems...
James 1:2 Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. 4 Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. 5 If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. 6 But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. 7 That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; 8 he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does. (New International Version, Zondervan Inc., Used by permission)
Learning to be thankful and joyful through trials/health issues is a must in this life. This week, I will meditate on that thought in the midst of some "challenges"!
Monday, July 25
Signs and Wonders will Chase Us
"We chase Jesus crucified... to live for, fall in love with, and die for however He chooses to use us."
Read the rest of it here...
Sunday, July 17
Been Distracted... But Not Broken...
2Cor. 4:7 But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. 8 We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; 9 persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. 10 We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body. 11 For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus sake, so that his life may be revealed in our mortal body. 12 So then, death is at work in us, but life is at work in you.
Been sick and down...but not crushed...
sciaticac Nerve... Gouty Arthritis... Lower Back Out... Moved... Had a baby... these are just a couple of the crazy things over the last 40 days. Please keep us in your prayers.
Just a couple of things... What I learned through it is that God brings together a community of believers to minister even to the one who thinks that he is to minister to them. We all need each other.
Community is critical and a foundational element to what we are doing.
Blessings... More later... Hand has arthritis pretty bad and it makes it hard to type.
Remember to allow God to knit the hearts of the community together. It is not something that happens through "strategic planning", but rather through prayer and living life together.
Monday, May 30
Simple Church... Simple Relationships
Wednesday, May 18
Martin Luther a House Church Guru?
By the way, rent the movie Luther. It is worth the rental fee!
Review by the Hollywood Jesus
Is Denominationalism Dead?
What I think is that Denominationalism/Institutionalism of Religion is being challenged. How they respond will determine their outcome. God has used institutions in the past and no doubt in the present to reach people with the relational message of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
When Martin Luther "reformed" the church... Did the Jesus Loving...Jesus Following... Jesus acting Catholics die out? NO! Luther pointed out a flaw in the system. "Lack of good information keeps people dependent on the information giver!" The "information givers" were replaced with what we now know as the Bible in printed form. Bada Bing... Badda Boom! (Billy Crystal Quote from Analyze That) People again had first hand access to their Creator. Information about their creator flowed freely into the hands of the common man.
There are plenty of Catholics who understand that the key to living life is loving Jesus. What Martin Luther did, was expose the weakness in our systems approach of ever-increasing complexity and controls to access God on a personal level. The center of control had become "man-centered" rather than "Christo-Spirit" centered. It had become clergy driven rather than common person accessible. People and Things began stepping between man and his Creator. We established a system where the "priesthood" of all believers became subject to a priest/pastor/clergy rather than dependent on the role of the Holy Spirit and scripture in their lives. The clergy being the ones pointing people towards a relationship with God on an individual basis rather than a pulpit/positional basis. There are plenty of Catholics that still rely on the Bible and the Holy Spirit as their source of truth and strength.
This too can happen to any simple church or traditional church. It is easy to replace the Word of God and the voice or inner light of God (the Holy Spirit) with a man/ leader/ overseer/ priest/ man/ woman/ philosophy/ or church strategy. We must encourage all to participate in this glorious exchange of relationship between God and man. It is not about information, it is about a relationship with God, our families, and those we come in contact with on a daily basis.
Does anyone think they can have a relationship with their spouse through pen and paper only? I don't think so! I don't know of any meaningful marriage where the couple communicates through pen and paper, having never seen each other.
There is a supernatural exchange/relationship that takes place between man and God through the power of the Holy Spirit. There is a spiritual peace that overtakes all information. There is something above and beyond this physical world that reaches out and touches us. We must seek it and it will find us. We must ask Jesus Christ to minister to us through the power of His Spirit. Then we will begin to understand this supernatural exchange of information (Bible) and peace (supernatural intervention).
Don't think that I am saying that the "inner light" or the "inner voice" outweighs the information contained in scripture. I believe the Holy Spirit guides and provides comfort, care, direction, and enlightenment to scripture and our lives. I believe that God never contradicts Himself. So scripture will never contradict the leading of the Holy Spirit.
What I am saying is that if denominations/traditional churches wish too survive, they must first get back to the basics of pushing people towards sitting under an Oak tree reading about and praying to God, walking at work and play in the power of the Holy Spirit while being mindful of the time that they were sitting, and learning to stand in the gap for people seeking hope in this world and pointing them towards the God of miracles and peace. This must become more important than filling pews/seats on Sunday morning and delivering a message verbally that will have 5-10% retained after 3 days. There is a better way to point people towards Jesus Christ.
Is Institutionalism of the Gospel going to die? I believe it will die and be replaced with a renewed sense of what it means to point people towards a living Savior. Having a relationship with God and their families rather than a relationship with a church building, church structure, church theology, or church system will become the priority. Humans do not relate well to brick and mortar. Humans become better humans when they relate to each other and a living God.
Remember that the church that Jesus Christ built was never made with brick and mortar. It was made of people,living stones. The message of a relationship with Jesus Christ must be imparted to our hearts and delivered to a dry and brittle world. Are building bad... No... However, they are if they take the primary focus away from getting people(individuals) to sit under the Oak tree with a Bible and the power of the Holy Spirit to interact with a living Savior, Jesus Christ.
The book of first Peter in the second chapter.
1 Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind. 2 Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, 3 now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.
4 As you come to him, the living Stone —rejected by men but chosen by God and precious to him — 5 you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. 6 For in Scripture it says:
“See, I lay a stone in Zion,
a chosen and precious cornerstone, and the one who trusts in him will never be put to shame.”
7 Now to you who believe, this stone is precious. But to those who do not believe, “The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone, ”
8 and, “A stone that causes men to stumble and a rock that makes them fall.” They stumble because they disobey the message —which is also what they were destined for.
9 But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 10 Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.
11 Dear friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain from sinful desires, which war against your soul. 12 Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us.
13 Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every authority instituted among men: whether to the king, as the supreme authority, 14 or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right. 15 For it is God’s will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish men. 16 Live as free men, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as servants of God. 17 Show proper respect to everyone: Love the brotherhood of believers, fear God, honor the king.
18 Slaves, submit yourselves to your masters with all respect, not only to those who are good and considerate, but also to those who are harsh. 19 For it is commendable if a man bears up under the pain of unjust suffering because he is conscious of God. 20 But how is it to your credit if you receive a beating for doing wrong and endure it? But if you suffer for doing good and you endure it, this is commendable before God. 21 To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps.
22 “He committed no sin, and no deceit was found in his mouth.”
23 When they hurled their insults at him, he did not retaliate; when he suffered, he made no threats. Instead, he entrusted himself to him who judges justly. 24 He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed. 25 For you were like sheep going astray, but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls.
NIV — Holy Bible, New International Version — ©1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers.
Christ is the overseer of our souls! We are all a "royal priesthood"... all not just the educated. I believe the Holy Spirit makes up for our short comings. Look at what Jesus worked with... fisherman, tax collectors, and such. The key is learning to live under an oak tree, walk in the power of the Holy Spirit, and stand in the gap for those who have not yet been enlighted to the mystery of the Gospel. I need to go spend sometime loving my family and sitting under an Oak tree.
Tuesday, May 17
Church Phobia... is it real?
Click Here for a definition. I guess simple church/house church would be a good thing for these people.
Do Simple Church / House Church people have this? Not this one!
Monday, May 16
Baby Got Book... Bible Thumpers Theme Song :-)
Click Here but be prepared for something unique!
Thanks Nick for the link!
Children Practicing for the Home Gathering...
Click Here to see a new version of Proverbs 3:5 & 6
Proverbs 3:5-6
Originally uploaded by yafflickr.
Worship with Kids
Decorative Onion
Tuesday Night Gathering
Backgrounds vary...
Church of Christ
Four Legged Variety
This makes for a great gathering!
Lindsay up first...
New Traditions...
Pictures speak louder than words....
Reed Family Clan
I bet we will still be able to take them on the basketball court!
Dad and Leanna Joy... Great Job Jenny!
Originally uploaded by yafflickr.
Daddy and Daughter Picture!
Thought you might like to share in our joy!
House Church Conference Thoughts...
Click Here
Church as a Whole!
John 17:21-22 (KJV)
"That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. [22] And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one:"
When I was in Taiwan years ago I explored what the locals thought of Christianity and was struck by the answers I found. One of the reoccurant themes that emerged was summed up in one young lady's words; "There are to many different kinds of Christ being taught for me to choose" I pursued the conversation further to find out she was referring to all of the competing "tribes" or denominations.
This is a problem today for recent surveys indicate contrary to popular opinion, every item or subject reaches a saturation point where when adding choices actually reduces the likelihood any choices will be made. Increasing choices results in the paralysis and backing away from any decision.
How this plays out n the religious world can be similar. Pagans and post-moderns often look at the competing "branding" of what are called churches and just don't want to get involved in such a complicated subject.
What to do? Jesus clearly calls us to a "one faith" experience of Church. So when we recognize the body of Christ, many parts, different functions, we can pray in the clear will of God, and take proactive steps towards fulfillment.
Proverbs 27:10 (KJV) says "Thine own friend, and thy father's friend, forsake not; neither go into thy brother's house in the day of thy calamity: for better is a neighbour that is near than a brother far off.'
For the simple church overseer this plays out by us taking first steps towards developing real friendship and partnering with otherlocal leaders in different streams of the local Church. Wendy & I have done this repeatedly often finding ourselves becoming the hub of the wagon wheel bringing combined congregations together (usually smaller meetings) for regional advancement of the Kingdom, via concerts, camps, seminars etc. This can be done with other SCs, house churches and conventional congregations.
In addition when in trouble or when pondering tough decisions, having locally available accountability near by is so much more effective then a denominational covering or someone else far off.
As Simple Church leaders we need to get beyond the paranoia of "smallness" and cultivate how we can apply ourselves to our Lord's prayer. Besides, it's fun to recreate and minister with other bodies of believers.
Not been invited to ministerial associations? Try just showing up, God honors our efforts. Otherwise just calling and dropping in and just introducing yourself and sharing what God has called you to can be the beginnings of opportunities to pray, listen and work together. Ever experience God's "smile" in your life? Try this!
What say you?
Harold Behr
May God Bless us all!
Tuesday, May 10
What to do with Children during House Church Worship
•Kids practicing a verse for House Church worship Click Here
•Getting Started, Felicity Dale, pages 146-150 Click Here to download the manual
•“House Church and Children” by Dan Trotter Click Here
•Houses that Change the World, Wolfgang Simson, Chapter 10: Fathering the Next Generation. This resource is not online. You will need to borrow or purchase the book.
•House Church Blog by Roger Thoman Click Here
•John White on Youth Ministry and the House Church Click Here
•Kids in House Church Part 1 by Becky Campell Click Here
•Kids in House Church Part 2 by Beck Campell Click Here
•House Church From the Kids Perspective Click Here
•Email Thread on Kids in House Church from Click Here
•Apex Church thoughts Click Here
•Running from True Relationships Click here
•What to do with Kids, House2House Click Here
I hope this helps... we will keep looking for more information for those 30 people from the conference who where interested in thinking more deeply about how to continue the benefit of their kids being invovled in the worship of a house church/simple church.
Monday, May 9
Four Types of Leadership...
4 Types of Authority...
1. Positional Authority... People who lead from position. Example would be a boss or someone who is over you.
2. Expertise Authority... People who because of their knowledge on a given situation or idea, has expertise influence or knowledge.
3. Relational Authority... People who have influence because of the relationship that they have in your life.
4. Spiritual Authority... People who speak the truth of God's word and wisdom.
Something to think about! How do we lead in our families and in our relationships with other believers?
Getting Started Manual Online for Simple/House Churches
Monday, May 2
Lonliness... Physical and Spiritual Health Problems...
Start connection with people, it may save your life!
Tuesday, April 26
Wolfgang Simson through the ears and fingertips of Roger Thoman
Click HERE
Single Mindedness of Paul
Oh Lord, increase my courage to follow you in spite of circumstance. May fear find a new home, far from me! May I nurture that strength to rely on you in spite of how things look around me.
Acts 17,18,21,23
Poem: Why
Monday, April 25
Reaching Out and Reaching Beyond Comfort Zone
Friday, April 22
Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Prophecy Cont.
Many including myself have this gift, I know quite a few. Recognize it is distinctly different from the role of a prophet in the OT. As Paul who had the gift says "we prophesy in part, we know in part" so all prophecy should be discerned by others with the gift present, and all prophecy (gift form) is limited to "exhortation, edification and
comfort" says brother Paul. It's not so spooky and usually confirms what you are already discerning or "checks it". Gifts are not what we focus upon as much as the Giver, seperating us from the lunatic fringe or the carnal like in Corinthians who went overboard. One other thing "personal prophecy is not a gift but a curse when directed towards you, ignore it and keep your sanity!
I am looking for someone qualified to explain biblically the gifts of the spirit. Personnally I have to tell you that when i became fully aware of what Jesus answered to Nicodemeus, I asked the Lord to accept me as fully committed to him and that I was willing to serve him no matter what the cost was. I pray to be used and That I wanted everything he had for me then It stared to happenned. I would find myself giving people a word of encouragement and telling them what the Lord had to say to them .Word of wisdom In church i found myself standing up and speaking in tongues and someone else had the gift of interpretation. Or the holy Spirit would give me a message for someone or the church. Latter on the holy spirit would wake me up in the middle of the night and give me a word for a specific person. I would get up and write it down. I found no matter what the manifestation was it had to be biblical and it always was. And there always was a confirmation from someone else. And the word given. there was encouragement or warning or guidance and the person that I gave it too was waiting for it or it was confirmed. I never can answer questions about it.that is not my job and after i passed the message . I forgot it . i never keep record of it. that is not my job. The holy spirit is a spirit of order and He will use anyone that is willing to be used. i did not know for years this was a gift of prophecy. I just did what the holy spirit asked me to do. The holy spirit is a spirit of order and wisdom. Very often it ended Thus says the lord. As everything else if you asked truly believeing the lord will be faitfull.
EMAIL #2As you well know God is the author and fininisher of our faith He gave us the comforter, holy spirit John 15 26. but relating to the question asked
1 Cor 12-7
1 Cor 12-12
1 Cor 14-3
1 Cor 14-29
1 Cor 14-33
Everything must be done in faith and guided by the holy spirit and The Word. One will be given the gift of prophecy as needed for the body of christ. The Gift of prophecy come and is fully of god. the same person can have this gift but it is not His and it is vital to understand it The holy spirit is using them. It is vital to realize it is not your in any shape or form. a deep attittude of meekness is important in this matter.Always asking The lord to use us and pray that one's own pride does not interfere. No one can teach you to but the holy spirit.It is truly a divine gift. I have found that one must wanted to be used and most of all is willing to be used in whatever manner god desires. No man can teach the gift of prophecy. It is truly a gift from the holy spirit. And it is always biblical. As it is needed, the holy spirit will use man or woman. I hope this might help you all. In an healthly body all the gifts should be able to be manifested, in God perfect timing. To be a prophet or to be used as a prophet is a very awesome thing, because one has to be completely obedient to the holy spirit and every word given. As one is instructed on time place and person or body , obedience is absolutely vital.It is an awesome responsability. I have wept on the very sobering words or understood the gravity of the situation.but we are just used as a tool.and one must realize that it is god speaking through you. It is not yours to explain, keep or question, you are just the messenger. If the holy Spirit decided to tell you more you shall know it.Remember what is of God is God.
Wednesday, April 20
Too Many Books, Conferences, and Workshops by Harold Behr
And consequently we see little"Shalom" or peaceful wholeness developing, rather continuous strife and confusion, blaming it on the devil. It's not a new thing for believers to allow God's Spirit to pour forth from within touching encounters that God gives us with neighbors, fellow sojourners, the hurting and healthy.
I don't really think anyone has a clue what the "emergent church" will look like . I don't expect it to look like an image seen from one's personal vantage point based upon projections tabulated by pollsters and futurists. We do know what it means to live and experience being "simply church" in context with the normative pattern Christ and the early Christ followers model in Scripture. Beyond that I suspect like one writer said to me recently,"It seems anything with emergent attached helps sales". Publishers won't accept his copy without a well known emergent futurist speaker's writing the introduction, based upon what will boost sales.
Our friend Eugene Peterson is right when he speaks of the polluting effect of sales talk in advancing God's Kingdom. I'm old enough to remember the "God is Dead" front cover of Newsweek in the late 60's forecasting the death of the Church. Bishop Pike was interviewed extensively on network news proclaiming God's death. No one forecasted the immediate Jesus People explosion which had Chuck Smith of Calvary Chapel on the cover in the pacific ocean baptizing hundreds, or Ruth Carter Stapleton (Jimmy Carter's sister) being interviewed by networks in regards to her role in inner healing and the unforecasted charismatic renewal a few years later. No one knew what God would do then, and I think it's safe to say the same today.
Whatever the Church will look like that our kids and grandkids will worship with will probably look different outwardly but at it's core will have this same DNA of our forefathers, as found in the early Church. Yes, it will be a new generation with somewhat different language and dress, adapted to minister life to a somewhat different culture. But it will have the same "head", and as a "body" will be equipped with the appropriate gifts such as to communicate the Gospel. But thank God we don't have to try and figure it out! All we are called to do is be faithful, be filled daily with His Spirit, and trust and obey.
Isaiah 26:3 (KJV) speaks to this saying; "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed onthee: because he trusteth in thee." Or as the Message phrases it: "People with their minds set on you, you keep completely whole, Steady on their feet, because they keep at it and don't quit." This from the God that owns tomorrow and grants us strength & mercy for Today---Perfect Peace here is that "shalom" that speaks of transformation, health & a sound mind promised by God to us as we keep our minds and hearts focused on the now of today. .",
posted by Harold Behr at Simple Church Blog.
Tuesday, April 19
Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Prophecy
Tonights discussion about the importance of running everything through scriptures much like the Bereans is so important. God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. He does not change with the culture. The message is the same!
Blessings, great discussion tonight and may God continue to guide us in our discussion and search for truth in light of scripture.
Saturday, April 16
The Old Piano
Not wanting to see the mover flattened or piano tumbling down the mountain side shattering into pieces, I quickly rushed in to help and we barely made it into a safe place The professional appreciated it, I felt rewarded, and no I didn't reinjure my back. Could the Church morph or move into a simple, organic body of believers that received it's leaders as not paid hirelings to "move the old piano" but rather as the equippers Paul called for in Ephesians 4, for the body to the work of the ministry, thus not exhausting and supplanting the calling of pastors.
Check out the entire story here.
Participation in Simple Church Gatherings...
Ahhh, but there are so many challenges to participatory gatherings. What about those who use this format to dominate the gathering? What about those who, without realizing it, simply talk and talk and talk leaving little room for the whole Body to participate. This is not easy. Everyone present has to learn to take responsibility for keeping the premise in place: everyone matters, everyone shares, everyone has gifts.
BUT, here's the payoff. True, participatory, whole-Body gatherings automatically develops and encourages the spiritual gifts of every Believer. It just happens! The format itself promotes this healthy flourishing of life. The participatory format itself is biblical, powerful, and empowering. It's difficult to do, but worth the effort!
Don't forget to sign up for the House Church Conference in Santa Maria on May 6-7th of 2005.
Friday, April 15
Flickr test post... Learning to post pictures on blog...
To learn more about this, as I am learning... go to here .
Thursday, April 14
Relationally Rich and Information Appropriate...
Does size matter? What does this look like in light of I Cor. 14 and Acts 2?
So would a simple definition for church be “people who pursue a relationship with Jesus Christ, together”. Is it 2,4,8,10,20,40,80,etc?
The question you will probably ask then is for a definition of relationship. ”What does relationship mean?” So I will then explain what relationship means to me. A relationship is an interactive, non-static, dynamic exchange of life and purpose. This is both with God and others. I believe that in the context of a relationship (Active, non static, dynamic) with Jesus the gathering of believers have something to share in common. It is when people come to the gathering/meeting without the relationship with God/Jesus Christ that the “gathering/meeting” becomes stale and lifeless. If people have a place to exchange “relationship”, they begin to see it as having value. (I Thess 2:6-9)
I believe what Barna is saying is that people are looking for this interactive, non-static, dynamic exchange of life and purpose with each other and with Jesus Christ. I think he is pointing to a cultural change that is taking place. People are “relationally empty and information rich.” Information about God is no longer the basis for going to church/gatherings/meetings. Relationship with God and each other is what matters. The current culture is just saying that "for them there is a more effective way” to do this.
The challenge for the church is then to bridge the relational gap not with more information about God but a relationship with Jesus and with each other. Many are socially and emotionally unable to do this in the current context of “church”. They do not understand how to bridge that gap by themselves (go to a different church and try to get connected to people, it does not work) in the context of yesterday’s traditional non-participatory format.
Some are still able, some are not, and many are heading towards the “not”. They are looking for something that is “Relationally rich and information appropriate” They are seekers of “connection” not “information”. That is the challenge as I see it. I am not saying that our churches are unnecessary but rather that other forms should be welcome. It is easy for both sides of Jordan to get “excited” about their method, but method is just that... A method of connecting people to a living God, Jesus Christ! We need to cheer each other on! I have made the mistake many times in this journey of trying to compare and contrast... a trap of the evil one!
Just some thoughts... I think we are all being challenged to remember that we are all in this together! Let's keep our eyes off of each other, on Jesus Christ, and on those who he has called us to equip and reach.
Tuesday, April 5
Balancing the Bar Stool of Simple Church
Our Motivation
Our motivation contains the idea that we are to be motivated by the love of God and the only way to understand the love of God is to live in a loving relationship with Him. Our motivation comes from living in a daily relationship with our Creator. We are motivated because of His love for us. We exist because of His love for us. We must make sure that this leg of the stool is strong and secure. We must spend, not daily, but minute by minute communion with God through the power of His Holy Spirit. We practice living in His presence by reading the Bible, praying, spending time in silence, fasting, and other disciplines that Jesus showed us as an example in His life. This becomes our motivation to live life to the fullest. This motivation affects our relationships, Family, Spiritual Family, our Friends, and those outside our circle of influence. Our motivation is about living in relationship with Jesus Christ, that relationship influences everything about us: our family, our friends, our jobs, everything.
Our Ministry
Our ministry may be personal or it may be something that God has laid on the heart of the Meeting. God calls us all to be light in a dark world. He calls us to be involved in the ministry of reconciliation. Reconciling others to their creator. We believe that as a result, God has called us all to get involved in our community is some way. That could be participating in a Homework Club helping kids learn how to read English, to sponsoring a website reaching a certain demographic of people (see, or teaching others how to paint. We must rub shoulders with those outside our Meetings and outside the body of Christ. We must pray for these people and look for the opportunity to share the motivation that we have in our lives. People will ask the questions, we need to be ready to give a response. Ministry is the intersection of our life with the lives of those who do not know Jesus Christ as Friend. Our ministry is about living in relationship with those who have not experienced the life changing love of God.
Our Meeting
Our meetings are for the purpose of giving testimony to what God has been doing in and through our lives. Our meetings exist as a time of mutual exchange of information and ideas. We share our lives during these times. Young and old participate in a mutual exchange of how God worked and led in each life during the week. During these exchanges we gather naturally around a meal. We spontaneously pray for items that arise. We share text from the Bible that has been meaningful to us that previous week. We participate in giving financially to what God may be asking the meeting to do. We handle any items of "Family Business" that may arise. We try to live out 1 Corinthians 14:26, 1 Thessalonians 2:8, and Acts 2:42-47. Our meetings are about living in relationship with each other and encouraging each other to live a life connected to God.
I would love some comments or feed back on this. Just email me. Click Here To Write Me I believe Simple Church needs to be simple.
Grieve Not the Holy Spirit
In Paul's letter to the Ephesians he talks about grieving the Spirit of God that is in us.(Ephesians 4:30) He talks about sin that creeps in and creates a wedge between us and the joy of our salvation. Lets make sure that we do not allow ourselves to become so proud that we do not need God to help us through our daily tasks. Lets make sure that we do not allow our ego's to get in the way of our joy. The Holy Spirit of God, the inner light, is there to lead us, guide us, commune with us, and enlighten us to the truth of God.
Prayer: Lord, I do sense when your Spirit is grieved. I do sense when my pride and my ego gets in the way of having a true relationship with you. Blessed be your name oh Lord, Blessed be your name!
Monday, April 4
Is your underbelly filled with barnicles?
Visit Click here to view Bilgewater-Barnacles.
Friday, April 1
Simple Church/House Church vs. Traditional Church
Visit Harold Behr's Simple Church Blog
Friday, March 18
Fellowship and Fun
1Ths. 2:8 (NIV) "We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well, because you had become so dear to us."
Becoming dear to each other requires sharing. Sharing life is critical, sharing laughter is critical, sharing your joys, and sharing your tears is critical. We must not only give each other the gospel message/Biblical information, but we must share our lives as well.
Share your life with your gathering of believers. Connect on a "fun" level. Learning to laugh together will prepare you for the challenging times.
Blessings... Lord may we learn to laugh together along this journey.
Wednesday, March 16
Some Gripes about House Church...
Friday, March 11
Sick People Need Directions and Maybe a Ride to the Doctor
Some Questions to Ponder and Discuss in the Future... (Matt. 9:9-13; Luke 5:31,32)
• What do the "sick" look like today?
• Where do we find the "sick" who need the Doctor?
• How do we encourage the "sick" to seek the Doctor?
• When do we encourage the "sick" to tell others about the Doctor?
• Who has the time to help the "sick" get well?
• To what extent do we get involved with the "sick"?
• Why don't we pay someone else to handle the "sick"?
• Do the "sick" get better overnight?
• What are some signs of health in a "sick" person?
God, so many times my best intentions are mere rags. I get out ahead of you and I fail. My pride becomes a stumbling block to others. My frustration bears no spiritual fruit. May I learn to live in the shadow of your grace and learn to seek your presence throughout my day. May I be a peacemaker. Help me be a healer of wounds! Help me along this path. May I be so compelled by your love that I walk uprightly and in the process guide others along this journey. May I be gracious in my speech to all. May I learn your wisdom and walk in your ways. I love to get out of the boat and walk, however Lord, I need to keep my eyes on you during this journey. Teach me to not look to my left or right, but stick to the task before me. Help me not get distracted with things that distract my focus from my journey towards eternity with you.
Undershepherds who Grow People not Programs
I have never met any believer or unchurched person who has taken great strides in their walk towards God under the the weight of condemnation or shame brought about by other believers or leaders. I have found it to be the opposite. We must learn to be redemptive leaders that oversee people with a hand of mercy and grace. A gracious gentle voice of encouragement that guides them to the lover of their souls, Jesus Christ the High Priest. The one who has gone before us and will never leave us or forsake us.
May we understand this type of leadership. May we live in community with those are willing to bring others along. Jesus Christ paid the price for my sin. The shame and guilt was felt at the cross by my replacement, Jesus Christ. Why do we continue to leave heavy burdens on the back of those seeking God? I do not know? The lie of Satan is to continue to lead people by bondage and fear rather than love. The love of God is freedom and joy, not shame and guilt.
The below thoughts are from Harold Behr, an apostolic figure who God has graciously brought into my life to help guide me to the lover of my soul, Jesus Christ. Praise God for the Barnabass's in our lives. I hope you find this thought provoking and an encouragement to what you may already be doing.
Thursday, March 10, 2005 11:41 AM
1 Peter 5:2-3 (MsgB)
[2] Here's my concern: that you care for God's flock with all the diligence of a shepherd. Not because you have to, but because you want to please God. Not calculating what you can get out of it, but acting spontaneously. [3] Not bossily telling others what to do, but tenderly showing them the way.
Have you ever wondered how Jesus could gather such a Church of 12 with their questionable and unscrupled pasts? Picture how quickly they would head for the back door in most of our "Churches" in the west today. We can't honestly say that their jealousy, carnality or self serving interests vanished after Jesus called them, for the Scriptures are full examples to the contrary.
No, I want to suggest that that small band of disciples wanted to be around Jesus, and were drawn by the Truth he lived and taught. Even more important then that for you and I to grasp was the "Climate" he cultivated. A Climate of tender hearted Mercy. And so, as undershepherds in his Church today, perhaps we need to reflect upon what kind of climate we create. The natural tendency and practice of church planters (myself included on times past) was to create a conditional atmosphere of mercy. That is, as long as we sense we are maintaining control and people are responding to our direction we'll be gentle and kind. But I have in the past so loudly blew the clarion call of Vision, that I injured some along the way. Consider this;
"Fr. M.A. Couturier (the Dominican apostle of sacred art, not the ecumenist) declared with perfect truth that many Christians "are enclosed in their Church and in their faith as others are enclosed in their Party. They aspire to a totalitarian state: and none of this has anything to do with the Gospel."
In fact, the climate of totalism, which as we know to our own cost can very easily become that of religion itself, is a climate of security purchased by servile resignation under human power: obedience to the authority of might rather than freedom in the climate of life-giving love and mercy.
This, of course, raises a most difficult, not to say most urgent, problem of authority in the visible structure of the Church. There must obviously be some visible authority and there must be some form of law in any institutional structure. This authority and law must be justified, as also the sacraments and the Sabbath are, by being propter hominess. They must serve only to protect and preserve the climate of mercy, or life-giving forgiveness and reconciliation. Hence, authority and power become abusive when they become ends in themselves to which the good of persons becomes subservient: when, in other words, souls for whom Christ died are allowed to be destroyed in order that power may be preserved intact.
The climate of mercy, which is the climate of the new creation, depends on the realization that all men are acceptable before God since the Word was made man, dwelt among us, died on the Cross for us, rose from the dead, and is enthroned in our flesh, our humanity, and in the glory of God. Hence, all that is required for a man to be acceptable before God, and a recipient of mercy, is for him to be a man and a sinner. (I did not come to call the just, but sinners . . . Matthew 9:13; Romans 5:8).
We ourselves are not entitled to be more demanding than God. Whoever is acceptable to Him is, therefore,
acceptable to us, and this is the test of our faith and of our obedience to Him (John 15:12, 17; 12:34-35), that we become to some extent able to be merciful to others as He has been merciful to us, knowing that this mercy is the cohesive power that establishes and manifests the father's love in the living and unified Mystical Body of the Son (John 17:11-12, 21-22)." (This is part of a tribute to Albert Schweitzer written by an obscure monk, aptly titled "The Climate of Mercy)
So it's the totalitarian rule of leadership that destroys souls as it excludes and precludes and functions as a mediator between God and man that cannot be tolerated amongst the simple church undershepherd's approach to oversight.
Rather, all we do as Christ followers, should permeate and be led by the gracious Spirit of Christ. In the end we we will find our fellowships to be "mercy ships".Such is the eschatological climate of the new creation, in which pardon replaces sacrifice,(Math. 9:13) and the whole world is filled with the mercy of God as the waters cover the sea. Note; This starts towards ourselves, our families then the missional fellowship etc etc.
I would encourage you to get in on the discussion at or visit Just request to be part of the group discussion.
Blessings and may we all strive to be gracious overseers of those who God brings into our sphere of influence. It must first begin with our relationship with God, then at home, and then move out from there.
Tuesday, March 8
Abba Father...
We ended up talking about the role of faith in our lives. This seems to be the normal route we go. We dive into one thing and the Lord at times leads us to discuss other items. Tonight was no different. What role does faith have when you pray over someone that is sick? We went from there to our own personal stories of how God increased our faith through lifes crazy events.
We ended up talking about how our prayers are important and that we do have something to do with the events here on earth. Our prayers matter because we are talking to a relational being, God. God desires to relate to His creation. He created us for His enjoyment and His delight. Therefore, God desires to relate and intervene in our circumstances and our endeavors.
One comment was that we can "work" God like a child works his parents. We all laughed but I began to think about the truth of that statement. Yes, we can "work" God or maybe a better way to say it is that we can "talk things over" with God in a open and transparent way. Because God is real and He does care about His creation. I am created by God therefore He does care about even the little things in my life.
God you are real, I confess that I do not always "talk things over" with you. Your truth is not only in scripture but through your interactions with your creation. God, I think I am going to "work you over" on a couple of things this next week! :-)
Sunday, March 6
Faith Walk...
You can read the entire text here if you wish.
This is a quote from the blog...
"We need to recognize whether it’s remembering the past or in this case the future, there is no tangible substance within the thought process. Faith is hanging our body and actions upon the promises written upon our heart. Grasping and appropriating the future is part of our forward march of faith! Faith is the currency of heaven, and it’s how we enter the gates, and how we experience the "Ancient-Future" Church here and now."
My thoughts on the faith walk...
The foundation of faith is critical in the development of any God given vision. Faith is nothing less than taking God at His word and puting action to your belief in His provision for your future. I am humbled constantly by the reminder to "Humble ourselves before the Lord and He will lift us up in due time." It is a humbling thing to walk by faith. Family, friends and church could disown you, however the walk of faith requires forward motion in spite of our circumstance or what others think of us or our direction. Yes, faith in action requires a future walking rather than a future thinking! We can walk our way into faithful thinking much faster than we can think our way into faithful walking. Figure that one out! :-) Wow... get moving for the Lord! My brain hurts! Time for Bed!