Monday, February 28

Simple Church Mission (1)

Simple Church is missional in it's DNA. Just as the church (people who have chosen to follow Jesus Christ and His teachings) are to be missional in their focus. The Simple Church strives to that end. The mission of the Simple Church is to encourage each other to love God, love each other, and to love those outside the gathering.

Loving God is the first and most important item of the mission. Each and every person in the gathering is responsible for their relationship with God. They need a daily encounter with the living God. Reading the Bible, praying, and practicing different spiritual disciplines are ways to encounter and interact with God. It is only when each member of the Simple church makes this a priority in their own lives, that the beauty of Simple Church is realized.

Coming to a gathering of believers is a rich experience when we have spent time with God throughout the week. Each person gatherered, young or old, has something to share with the meeting. We can share in our meetings from a position of overflow, rather than drought. We can give testimony to what it means to walk in the spirit all week. First Corithians fourteen comes alive in our meetings.

The first mission of the simple church is to encourage all its attenders to have a personal encounter with a living God.

Saturday, February 26


We need to celebrate everything as a church. It is amazing how many times the Jews celebrated. They had a feast or festival for everthing. They looked forward to hanging out together and celebrating life. We need to celebrate life together as a gathering / spiritual families.

Rejoice in the Lord Always... What does that look like?

Friday, February 25

Waking up with God on our Minds

My son wakes up every morning with Mommie on his mind. Yes, he is 21 months and every morning he begins his routine by needing to connect with "Mommie". Until he connects with Mommie, he is completely unsatisfied. He is frustrated and in need of that connection.

Through the expressions of our kids, God gives us glimpses of what it means to have a relationship with Him. I need to wake up every morning with a deep desire to connect with God. A deep desire to communion with God. An unsatisfied thirst until my heart connects with the fountains of God's love.

Ways I connect with God ...
Silence / Solitude
Reading the Bible
Reading a "Deeper Life Book"
Walking around the Park and Praying
Praying with my kids
Asking my kids to pray for me when things are tough... the faith of a child is always encouraging.

May your heart thirst for God much like my son's heart and mind thirsts to connect with his "mommie".

Wednesday, February 23

Quotes (1)

"If a person gives you his time, he can give you no more precious gift."
--Frank Tyger

The centre of trouble is not the turbulent appetites -- though they are troublesome enough. The centre of trouble is in the personality of man as a whole, which is self-centred and can only be wholesome and healthy if it is God-centred.
... Archbishop William Temple (1881-1944)

"Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there."
--Will Rogers

"The difficulties of life are intended to make us better, not bitter."

Too many people write their blessings in the sand but engrave their sorrowsin marble
-- Spurgeon

If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and a human.
-- Mark Twain

"Pray before choosing your role in a persons life. You may be the hand that gently holds the nail, while God hammers them into place."
-- WLR

Commemoration of James Hannington, Bishop of Eastern
Equatorial Africa, Martyr in Uganda, 1885
I fear that many people seek to hear God solely as a device for securing their own safety, comfort and righteousness. For those who busy themselves to know the will of God, however, it is still true that "those who want to save their life will lose it." My extreme preoccupation with knowing God's will for me may only indicate, contrary to what is often thought, that I am overconcerned with myself, not a Christlike interest in the well-being of others or in the glory of God.
... Dallas Willard, Hearing God [1999], p. 28

Tuesday, February 22

Loneliness: Deafening Silence

Loneliness is the most deafening sound to the human soul. This quiet assassin of the mind, body, and spirit destroys life. We were never meant to be alone. We know from multiple medical and psychological studies that loneliness/isolation leads to physical and mental health issues. We were meant to live life full, in relationship with a Creator, His creation, and in harmony with each other.

We were created in the image of our Creator. A Creator who after creating the animals, insects, fish, and all the stars in the heaven, chose to walk the garden with His ultimate creation, humans. The Creator defined our relationship with Him in family terms: family, adoption, Father, sons, and daughters. Family was meant to be the most intimate and trusted relationships on this earth. Those terms meant so much back then!

Jesus understood loneliness. Forty days in the desert, sending out disciples two by two, and pleading for “the cup” to pass from Him, all point to Jesus Christ having a deep understanding of human isolation. We find Christ himself living in relationship with His disciples, but more so in an unseen constant relationship that guided Christ’s every move.

The scripture points clearly that Jesus was in constant fellowship/relationship with God the Father. (Matt. 22:25; Luke 3:22; Luke 23:44; John 7:6-9; John 10:25; John 11:1-44; John 26:36-44, etc.) He was never out of touch with the Spirit of God until His death on the cross (Matt. 27:46). The loneliness Christ felt is inexpressible. I can only imagine a human example would be like loosing a spouse after being married for over fifty years. Married not just with paper and pen but spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically connected.

Jesus understood the loneliness that His disciples would feel after His departure from this earth. He gave them a replacement, the Holy Spirit. In John 17, Jesus prays for the oneness that He experienced with the Father would be the same oneness that His disciples and future followers would encounter. “That they would be one as we are one” is an amazing phrase that holds so much information. Before departing the earth, Jesus told His disciples to wait for the Holy Spirit to come, His replacement. The Holy Spirit was to be Christ’s replacement. They waited, prayed, and soon after Christ’s departure, the Holy Spirit was sent to reside in the hearts of men and women who follow the ways of Jesus Christ. Believers who would sense and feel no loneliness again would be guided by a still small voice from within.

What if I am a believer and don’t sense God’s presence in my life. What if I am a believer and feel lonely? What if I just don’t feel God?

These are great questions and questions that I struggle with at times. I can only speak for myself in these situations. I cannot diagnose your issues or problems, but maybe you can learn something from my experience. I have on many occasions experienced intense loneliness, here are some of my thoughts.

1. I started viewing my relationship with God in the same way that I view my relationship with my wife and kids. It needs to be real, not a once a week time at a church. The kingdom of God is here. God with us!

2. Remember that there are good days and bad days. There are times when we connect and there are times when we don’t. It is a matter of priority. Do I desire to have a relationship with my wife and kids? What do I need to do or eliminate in my life to make the relationship a priority? This a great place to start.

3. I have a relationship with my wife and kids because I choose to have it. I choose to be available and near. I value them and their life. Therefore, in my relationship with God, I must choose it. I am not “forced by God” to have a relationship with him. I need to make a decision that this is of value and that He is real. By doing this, God will present himself to me. The Bible shares that those who draw near to God, God will draw near to them. You have the power to choose this relationship with God.

4. I blow it often with my family. I speak harshly, act selfishly, and ignore their needs. This breaks the relationship. These selfish acts need to be brought out to the family and forgiveness needs to be sought. A discussion usually follows the request for forgiveness. After these items are confessed and the relationships are restored, we sense a oneness again as a family. The same is true in our relationship with God. His Spirit resides in us and when we grieve the Holy Spirit, relationship is broken. (Ephesians 4:29-32) We need to bring those selfish acts of independence before God and ask for forgiveness and assistance on the issues. Remember, it does not matter how many times you need to restore the relationship, it does not matter because you are committed to the relationship. God is much more committed to a relationship with His creation than we are. He says that He will never leave us or forsake us. He is eternal and true to His word. We are the ones that are working on aligning our life to experiencing Him.

5. As a family, we have learned that hanging out together is critical to having a relationship. You cannot just exist between the “do’s and don’ts” and have a vital relationship. A family discusses things to do and then they do it. They hang out together and enjoy each other’s company. The listen to each other and value each others input. The same is true with God as our father. You must hang out, listen, and do as directed. Share your thoughts on items, share your feelings, and listen for a response. Get a better grasp of God by reading the Bible. He is the same today, yesterday, and tomorrow. He does not change. So a great way to know the truth of His words is to read His words in the Bible.

6. Lastly, make your conversations with God constant (First Thessalonians 5:17). Like living with your family, you interact throughout the day. Brother Lawrence of the Resurection, a Carmelite priest, said it best, “We must continually apply ourselves so that all our actions, without exception, become a kind of brief conversation with God, not in a contrived manner but coming from the purity and simplicity of our hearts.”

I am not alone… when I live in relationship with God. My wife and kids could be taken, my friends could turn their backs, my family could disown me, and as along as I live in a constant conversation with the Almighty God, I will never be alone. I leave you with a quote from Paul’s letter to the Thessalonian church.

“Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. Do not put out the Spirit’s fire; do not treat prophecies with contempt. Test everything. Hold on to the good. Avoid every kind of evil. May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it.” First Thessalonians 5:16-24, New International Version

Sunday, February 20

The Last Temptation...

I don't know about you, but I long for the day when I will no longer wound my relationships (God, family, and others). I don't know about you, but I continue to struggle with the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. Simply put, the world continues to entice me and I continue to put myself in places that take my heart and mind away from being centered on Jesus Christ. Don't misunderstand me, I have come along way in the last 15 years. I just long for eternity when the lion will lay with the lamb, there will be peace on the earth, no sickness, no death, and no tears.

Over lunch one day I asked a dear 80+ year old mentor, "John, when do you stop struggling with temptation and such..." John just kept sipping his soup and after what seemed like an eternity as I sat on the edge of the seat, he casually glanced across the table at me and said, "Bill, I'll let you know. Until then, learn to be content in the battle."

I don't know when I will face my last temptation, but I am learning to be content in the battle.

Somethoughts on contentment...
• When you loose your focus on Christ or fall into temptation, He does not want to punish you or shame you into obedience. Rather with open arms, He looks forward to us restoring the relationship by simply turning away from sin or distraction and spending time with Him in prayer, reading His-story (the Bible), listening to His still small voice, and talking with others about His message.
• When you loose your focus on Christ or fall into temptation that keeps chasing you wherever you go... find a brother or sister who has a deep faith in Jesus and ask them to walk with you through this time of struggle. Jesus sent the disciples out two by two, not all alone. We need each other more than we think.
• Lastly, continue in a routine of spending time with God. I call it J.A.M. time. "Jesus And Me" time. This could be at a park, a pool, a mountain, a desert, a crowded coffee shop, a cozy chair in front of a fire, or anywhere. The idea is that you are not mentally distracted from staying focussed on Jesus and His words in the Bible. You are able to listen to His still small voice that leads and guides us in all things. Some do it in the morning and others do it at night. You need to find your place and your time. Jesus is a true friend, He doesn't care when or how he hangs out with us.

Try the Message Bible. I like this version it helps people who have grown up religous begin to look at Christ in a new light.

Family Life

The most important thing to remember about rearing kids is that you are not looking at the finished product! I guess that may be how we are to view each other in a spiritual family...

We are not looking at the finished project... therefore let the Holy Spirit continue the work within each believer that seeks the touch of Christ in their life.

Saturday, February 19

Information Overload...

This comes from an exchange with a friend who is struggling to understand the existance of God. He has arguments against the existance of God and information for so many people, yet he continues to disallow himself to experience God. Below is a little bit of that exchange on the topic of God's existance...

"Is this a mere attempt to quite ones own conscience about the truth of God’s existence? Are you amassing a fortress of intellectual information to shield yourself from an actual encounter/experience with the living God of the universe? You cannot blame past failures of others (historical or present) for your unwillingness to experience the truth of God first hand. Evil done in the name of anything is still evil!

'God is not someone to only be studied and written about, He is someone to experience. Yes, there is written information about Him. But that would be like gathering information about love and never comprehending love because of a failure to experience it. You could gather a vast library on the subject. Teach about the complex social structures around it. Visit websites that offer the experience. Gather with others who understand it and who have experienced it. However you ,never having personally experienced a meaningful personal human exchange that resulted in a lifetime commitment of mental, social, emotional, spiritual, and physical intimacy, would fall short from gathering the needed information to fully comprehend the subject of love. Thus is your quest to intellectually understand God/Jesus Christ.'

'Check out the website below and then lets talk. Thanks for sharing your views however, in the absence of an exchange face to face, I will leave you directed to the website that will challenge your strong intellectual abilities. I enjoy every exchange that I have with you! Experience is the last piece of information on your quest to understand this supernatural encounter."

Wednesday, February 16

The Church as a Spiritual Family (1)

Family is a crazy word today. We seem to have lost its meaning and the depth of its character. In the New Testament Church, church was a surogate family for most of its members. When you became a Christian/Stood up for Jesus Christ, you were cut off from your physical family, your social family, and your economic family. Family was the social institution that kept things alive and growing. It kept the status quo in place. If you were going to go against tradition, it would cost you something.

Today, the church as a family needs to remember that we need to operate as such... a family. Here are a few reminders of how to work well as a family.

1. Great Families Communicate Truth to Each Other in Love
2. Great Families Pray Together
3. Great Families Play Together
4. Great Families Encourage One Another
5. Great Families Share Life Together
6. Great Families Persevere Together
7. Great Families Do It Together!

The list can go on and on... but that is all for tonight.

Church must begin at home or it will never take root in the next generation!

Sunday, February 13

Experiencing Spiritual Community

We have been on this journey encouraging spiritual families. The church was a spiritual family for many new believers in the early church. It was about being a family, living life together not seperate but joined together in this spiritual community.

A church service runs anywhere from 1.5 hours to 3 hours on a Sunday morning. Today, we enjoyed true spiritual community for 7.5 hours. Yes, it is hard to believe that anyone could "enjoy" such a lengthy time. Paul talked about this type of life exchange that took place in the Thessalonian church. This concept of a shared life was not forign to them... they lived it.

"1Ths. 2:8 We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well, because you had become so dear to us."

Don't allow the church to become four walls and a pew to listen from... Define church as Paul and others did, living in spiritual community with other believers.

A great book to read on the topic is...

The Ancient Church As Family by Joseph H. Hellerman