Inviting youth and families to experience God through the power of the Holy Spirit in a simple church context.
Tuesday, April 26
Wolfgang Simson through the ears and fingertips of Roger Thoman
Click HERE
Single Mindedness of Paul
Oh Lord, increase my courage to follow you in spite of circumstance. May fear find a new home, far from me! May I nurture that strength to rely on you in spite of how things look around me.
Acts 17,18,21,23
Poem: Why
Monday, April 25
Reaching Out and Reaching Beyond Comfort Zone
Friday, April 22
Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Prophecy Cont.
Many including myself have this gift, I know quite a few. Recognize it is distinctly different from the role of a prophet in the OT. As Paul who had the gift says "we prophesy in part, we know in part" so all prophecy should be discerned by others with the gift present, and all prophecy (gift form) is limited to "exhortation, edification and
comfort" says brother Paul. It's not so spooky and usually confirms what you are already discerning or "checks it". Gifts are not what we focus upon as much as the Giver, seperating us from the lunatic fringe or the carnal like in Corinthians who went overboard. One other thing "personal prophecy is not a gift but a curse when directed towards you, ignore it and keep your sanity!
I am looking for someone qualified to explain biblically the gifts of the spirit. Personnally I have to tell you that when i became fully aware of what Jesus answered to Nicodemeus, I asked the Lord to accept me as fully committed to him and that I was willing to serve him no matter what the cost was. I pray to be used and That I wanted everything he had for me then It stared to happenned. I would find myself giving people a word of encouragement and telling them what the Lord had to say to them .Word of wisdom In church i found myself standing up and speaking in tongues and someone else had the gift of interpretation. Or the holy Spirit would give me a message for someone or the church. Latter on the holy spirit would wake me up in the middle of the night and give me a word for a specific person. I would get up and write it down. I found no matter what the manifestation was it had to be biblical and it always was. And there always was a confirmation from someone else. And the word given. there was encouragement or warning or guidance and the person that I gave it too was waiting for it or it was confirmed. I never can answer questions about it.that is not my job and after i passed the message . I forgot it . i never keep record of it. that is not my job. The holy spirit is a spirit of order and He will use anyone that is willing to be used. i did not know for years this was a gift of prophecy. I just did what the holy spirit asked me to do. The holy spirit is a spirit of order and wisdom. Very often it ended Thus says the lord. As everything else if you asked truly believeing the lord will be faitfull.
EMAIL #2As you well know God is the author and fininisher of our faith He gave us the comforter, holy spirit John 15 26. but relating to the question asked
1 Cor 12-7
1 Cor 12-12
1 Cor 14-3
1 Cor 14-29
1 Cor 14-33
Everything must be done in faith and guided by the holy spirit and The Word. One will be given the gift of prophecy as needed for the body of christ. The Gift of prophecy come and is fully of god. the same person can have this gift but it is not His and it is vital to understand it The holy spirit is using them. It is vital to realize it is not your in any shape or form. a deep attittude of meekness is important in this matter.Always asking The lord to use us and pray that one's own pride does not interfere. No one can teach you to but the holy spirit.It is truly a divine gift. I have found that one must wanted to be used and most of all is willing to be used in whatever manner god desires. No man can teach the gift of prophecy. It is truly a gift from the holy spirit. And it is always biblical. As it is needed, the holy spirit will use man or woman. I hope this might help you all. In an healthly body all the gifts should be able to be manifested, in God perfect timing. To be a prophet or to be used as a prophet is a very awesome thing, because one has to be completely obedient to the holy spirit and every word given. As one is instructed on time place and person or body , obedience is absolutely vital.It is an awesome responsability. I have wept on the very sobering words or understood the gravity of the situation.but we are just used as a tool.and one must realize that it is god speaking through you. It is not yours to explain, keep or question, you are just the messenger. If the holy Spirit decided to tell you more you shall know it.Remember what is of God is God.
Wednesday, April 20
Too Many Books, Conferences, and Workshops by Harold Behr
And consequently we see little"Shalom" or peaceful wholeness developing, rather continuous strife and confusion, blaming it on the devil. It's not a new thing for believers to allow God's Spirit to pour forth from within touching encounters that God gives us with neighbors, fellow sojourners, the hurting and healthy.
I don't really think anyone has a clue what the "emergent church" will look like . I don't expect it to look like an image seen from one's personal vantage point based upon projections tabulated by pollsters and futurists. We do know what it means to live and experience being "simply church" in context with the normative pattern Christ and the early Christ followers model in Scripture. Beyond that I suspect like one writer said to me recently,"It seems anything with emergent attached helps sales". Publishers won't accept his copy without a well known emergent futurist speaker's writing the introduction, based upon what will boost sales.
Our friend Eugene Peterson is right when he speaks of the polluting effect of sales talk in advancing God's Kingdom. I'm old enough to remember the "God is Dead" front cover of Newsweek in the late 60's forecasting the death of the Church. Bishop Pike was interviewed extensively on network news proclaiming God's death. No one forecasted the immediate Jesus People explosion which had Chuck Smith of Calvary Chapel on the cover in the pacific ocean baptizing hundreds, or Ruth Carter Stapleton (Jimmy Carter's sister) being interviewed by networks in regards to her role in inner healing and the unforecasted charismatic renewal a few years later. No one knew what God would do then, and I think it's safe to say the same today.
Whatever the Church will look like that our kids and grandkids will worship with will probably look different outwardly but at it's core will have this same DNA of our forefathers, as found in the early Church. Yes, it will be a new generation with somewhat different language and dress, adapted to minister life to a somewhat different culture. But it will have the same "head", and as a "body" will be equipped with the appropriate gifts such as to communicate the Gospel. But thank God we don't have to try and figure it out! All we are called to do is be faithful, be filled daily with His Spirit, and trust and obey.
Isaiah 26:3 (KJV) speaks to this saying; "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed onthee: because he trusteth in thee." Or as the Message phrases it: "People with their minds set on you, you keep completely whole, Steady on their feet, because they keep at it and don't quit." This from the God that owns tomorrow and grants us strength & mercy for Today---Perfect Peace here is that "shalom" that speaks of transformation, health & a sound mind promised by God to us as we keep our minds and hearts focused on the now of today. .",
posted by Harold Behr at Simple Church Blog.
Tuesday, April 19
Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Prophecy
Tonights discussion about the importance of running everything through scriptures much like the Bereans is so important. God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. He does not change with the culture. The message is the same!
Blessings, great discussion tonight and may God continue to guide us in our discussion and search for truth in light of scripture.
Saturday, April 16
The Old Piano
Not wanting to see the mover flattened or piano tumbling down the mountain side shattering into pieces, I quickly rushed in to help and we barely made it into a safe place The professional appreciated it, I felt rewarded, and no I didn't reinjure my back. Could the Church morph or move into a simple, organic body of believers that received it's leaders as not paid hirelings to "move the old piano" but rather as the equippers Paul called for in Ephesians 4, for the body to the work of the ministry, thus not exhausting and supplanting the calling of pastors.
Check out the entire story here.
Participation in Simple Church Gatherings...
Ahhh, but there are so many challenges to participatory gatherings. What about those who use this format to dominate the gathering? What about those who, without realizing it, simply talk and talk and talk leaving little room for the whole Body to participate. This is not easy. Everyone present has to learn to take responsibility for keeping the premise in place: everyone matters, everyone shares, everyone has gifts.
BUT, here's the payoff. True, participatory, whole-Body gatherings automatically develops and encourages the spiritual gifts of every Believer. It just happens! The format itself promotes this healthy flourishing of life. The participatory format itself is biblical, powerful, and empowering. It's difficult to do, but worth the effort!
Don't forget to sign up for the House Church Conference in Santa Maria on May 6-7th of 2005.
Friday, April 15
Flickr test post... Learning to post pictures on blog...
To learn more about this, as I am learning... go to here .
Thursday, April 14
Relationally Rich and Information Appropriate...
Does size matter? What does this look like in light of I Cor. 14 and Acts 2?
So would a simple definition for church be “people who pursue a relationship with Jesus Christ, together”. Is it 2,4,8,10,20,40,80,etc?
The question you will probably ask then is for a definition of relationship. ”What does relationship mean?” So I will then explain what relationship means to me. A relationship is an interactive, non-static, dynamic exchange of life and purpose. This is both with God and others. I believe that in the context of a relationship (Active, non static, dynamic) with Jesus the gathering of believers have something to share in common. It is when people come to the gathering/meeting without the relationship with God/Jesus Christ that the “gathering/meeting” becomes stale and lifeless. If people have a place to exchange “relationship”, they begin to see it as having value. (I Thess 2:6-9)
I believe what Barna is saying is that people are looking for this interactive, non-static, dynamic exchange of life and purpose with each other and with Jesus Christ. I think he is pointing to a cultural change that is taking place. People are “relationally empty and information rich.” Information about God is no longer the basis for going to church/gatherings/meetings. Relationship with God and each other is what matters. The current culture is just saying that "for them there is a more effective way” to do this.
The challenge for the church is then to bridge the relational gap not with more information about God but a relationship with Jesus and with each other. Many are socially and emotionally unable to do this in the current context of “church”. They do not understand how to bridge that gap by themselves (go to a different church and try to get connected to people, it does not work) in the context of yesterday’s traditional non-participatory format.
Some are still able, some are not, and many are heading towards the “not”. They are looking for something that is “Relationally rich and information appropriate” They are seekers of “connection” not “information”. That is the challenge as I see it. I am not saying that our churches are unnecessary but rather that other forms should be welcome. It is easy for both sides of Jordan to get “excited” about their method, but method is just that... A method of connecting people to a living God, Jesus Christ! We need to cheer each other on! I have made the mistake many times in this journey of trying to compare and contrast... a trap of the evil one!
Just some thoughts... I think we are all being challenged to remember that we are all in this together! Let's keep our eyes off of each other, on Jesus Christ, and on those who he has called us to equip and reach.
Tuesday, April 5
Balancing the Bar Stool of Simple Church
Our Motivation
Our motivation contains the idea that we are to be motivated by the love of God and the only way to understand the love of God is to live in a loving relationship with Him. Our motivation comes from living in a daily relationship with our Creator. We are motivated because of His love for us. We exist because of His love for us. We must make sure that this leg of the stool is strong and secure. We must spend, not daily, but minute by minute communion with God through the power of His Holy Spirit. We practice living in His presence by reading the Bible, praying, spending time in silence, fasting, and other disciplines that Jesus showed us as an example in His life. This becomes our motivation to live life to the fullest. This motivation affects our relationships, Family, Spiritual Family, our Friends, and those outside our circle of influence. Our motivation is about living in relationship with Jesus Christ, that relationship influences everything about us: our family, our friends, our jobs, everything.
Our Ministry
Our ministry may be personal or it may be something that God has laid on the heart of the Meeting. God calls us all to be light in a dark world. He calls us to be involved in the ministry of reconciliation. Reconciling others to their creator. We believe that as a result, God has called us all to get involved in our community is some way. That could be participating in a Homework Club helping kids learn how to read English, to sponsoring a website reaching a certain demographic of people (see, or teaching others how to paint. We must rub shoulders with those outside our Meetings and outside the body of Christ. We must pray for these people and look for the opportunity to share the motivation that we have in our lives. People will ask the questions, we need to be ready to give a response. Ministry is the intersection of our life with the lives of those who do not know Jesus Christ as Friend. Our ministry is about living in relationship with those who have not experienced the life changing love of God.
Our Meeting
Our meetings are for the purpose of giving testimony to what God has been doing in and through our lives. Our meetings exist as a time of mutual exchange of information and ideas. We share our lives during these times. Young and old participate in a mutual exchange of how God worked and led in each life during the week. During these exchanges we gather naturally around a meal. We spontaneously pray for items that arise. We share text from the Bible that has been meaningful to us that previous week. We participate in giving financially to what God may be asking the meeting to do. We handle any items of "Family Business" that may arise. We try to live out 1 Corinthians 14:26, 1 Thessalonians 2:8, and Acts 2:42-47. Our meetings are about living in relationship with each other and encouraging each other to live a life connected to God.
I would love some comments or feed back on this. Just email me. Click Here To Write Me I believe Simple Church needs to be simple.
Grieve Not the Holy Spirit
In Paul's letter to the Ephesians he talks about grieving the Spirit of God that is in us.(Ephesians 4:30) He talks about sin that creeps in and creates a wedge between us and the joy of our salvation. Lets make sure that we do not allow ourselves to become so proud that we do not need God to help us through our daily tasks. Lets make sure that we do not allow our ego's to get in the way of our joy. The Holy Spirit of God, the inner light, is there to lead us, guide us, commune with us, and enlighten us to the truth of God.
Prayer: Lord, I do sense when your Spirit is grieved. I do sense when my pride and my ego gets in the way of having a true relationship with you. Blessed be your name oh Lord, Blessed be your name!
Monday, April 4
Is your underbelly filled with barnicles?
Visit Click here to view Bilgewater-Barnacles.
Friday, April 1
Simple Church/House Church vs. Traditional Church
Visit Harold Behr's Simple Church Blog