Kurt Russell plays the role of Coach Herb Brooks. Herb Brooks, like our Heavenly Father, knew his players. He understood their weaknesses and their strengths. He understood how far he could push his team in order to get their best. Herb understood how to prepare his team to compete physically and mentally at an Olympic level. All throughout the movie, Herb states that they, the hockey team, may not be the most gifted team on the ice at Lake Placid but they will be the best-conditioned team. What made the difference was their conditioning. This proved true as they out-skated the Soviets in the final minutes of the Olympic playoffs. They broke a 20-year Soviet monopoly over the world of hockey.
This got me thinking, what are the basics in Kingdom living? Where has the evil one had a spiritual monopoly on people and their lives? What would it take to play on God’s team at that level of life change? What am I neglecting in my conditioning to be the best team player for the kingdom? If physical conditioning was a key to success in playing hockey at an Olympic level, then prayer must be one of the spiritual exercises necessary to reconcile lives to their Creator.
All great books on significant spiritual movements in the Kingdom of God share a common theme… Prayer! Usually one chapter is spent on this critical “basic”. The rest of the book tells the story. What would happen if every committed follower of the Way started praying for people to be reconciled to their Maker. I am not talking about a “short” prayer, but prayer that includes your heart, your mind, and your soul. Passionate prayer, like the kind which brought Jesus weeping to His knees in the Garden of Gethsemane. Prayers filled with emotion and passion. I am talking about prayer where people plead with God for reconciliation. I am on this journey with you so here are some of my practical thoughts to start practicing passionate prayer.
1. First pray for deep inner life reconciliation in your own life. We all have enough “garbage” of our own to take to the Father. Pray through every bit of it. Ask for insight to your challenges and ask for strength to meet them. God will reveal to you the areas of your life that need Him and He will meet you there. He will assist you in taking out the garbage in a way only He can. After this experience with the Father, you will be in a humble state of mind to proceed.
2. Secondly, after you have taken a dip in humility in step one, pray for your own immediate family. Pray for them, your relationship with them, and their relationship with God. I am not talking a trite “God please be with Billy, He is a real dork and needs to change his personality!” I am talking prayers like, “God Billy needs you, needs you like I needed you. He needs you to meet him personally in a profound way. Would you please touch Billy’s life. Lord, Like Moses didn’t give up on your people, I am not giving up on Billy. I know you can make changes in the hardest of hearts. So please Lord hear my prayers for Billy.” Then Stop, Listen, and wait a while, then plead with God again if you don’t hear a response. Don’t give up, pray for Billy constantly throughout your day. Come to a point of being passionate about Billy’s relationship with his Maker. Tears will flow and eventually God will hear you and begin to work in Billy’s life. A peace will come over you on the matter of Billy that you don’t understand. Only then should you move on to the next family member. Try taking one on at a time. Stay focused until you sense a Holy Peace from the Father.
3. Lastly, pray for your church family and its leadership. The Holy Spirit will guide you in these prayers if you are willing to Stop, Listen, and Respond. Your spiritual community is critical to your own health in the Kingdom struggle. Team up with them and pray for them and with them on the matters in one and two. You will find great strength in numbers.
We have a phrase in our home that we are trying to live out. Church begins at home. We must first learn to put these basics to work at home, not in a building or spiritual gathering. The next generation will understand the true power of God and be convinced/persuaded to follow Him if they see it working in the lives of their parents and grandparents.