Inviting youth and families to experience God through the power of the Holy Spirit in a simple church context.
Wednesday, August 31
Off to Denver...
I will be blogging from Denver on a separate site for the next 5 days. Go to to get updates and notes from the Denver Conference.
Across Generations
Check out this post... It talks about the need for generations to come together to honor God in unity not indvidualism.
Click Here.
Part of the Friday Fax...
Click Here.
Part of the Friday Fax...
Tuesday, August 30
Nipomo / Arroyo Grande House Church gets in the Newspaper
Check out the following link to see Roger and one of the simple churches being interviewed about what a house church is all about. Well done.
Click Here
Click Here
Good Questions for Particpants/Individuals in House Church
I have modified some questions to fit a simple church/house church gathering.
These questions are designed primarily for groups of two or three who meet weekly for accountability, Bible study and prayer. Some were taken from questions used by Neil Cole who in turn adapted them from Charles Swindoll and Howard Hendricks. Others were adapted from "queries" used by Friends for many years. Please note that some emphasize what we should do, while others emphasize what we should not do
Have you verbally shared your faith in Christ this week?
Have you found joy in the Lord through prayer, Bible reading, gathering for worship, and a lifestyle of giving thanks in all circumstances?
Have you forgiven everyone who hurt you or disappointed you, seeking to resolve any conflict with love and understanding?
Have you damaged another person by your words, either behind their back or face to face? Have you kept away from racist jokes and comments?
Have you avoided emotional or sexual intimacy outside of marriage this week? Have you engaged in lustful attitudes, pornography or sexually explicit communication?
Have you actively nourished your marriage, family and friends in Christ, making your home a pleasant, peaceful place? Have you kept marriage and family in balance with work and career?
Have you given to Christ all you own and all you influence? Have you been completely above reproach in your financial dealings, prompt in paying your debts, careful to live within your income, honoring Christ with gifts and offerings?
Have you sought to be a good steward of the natural resources that God has surrounded you with, including but not limited to recycling materials and items for others to use. Have you choosen to live with less than more so that the gospel can be preached to all and that those with nothing may have their needs met?
Have you succumbed to a bad habit, personal addiction, substance abuse, or kept any kind of idol in your heart, such as greed for money or from the abuse of good things, such as food and medications?
Have you deceived anyone, told half-truths or outright lies this week?
Have you taken a day of rest and restoration this week?
Visit for more questions or querries.
These questions are designed primarily for groups of two or three who meet weekly for accountability, Bible study and prayer. Some were taken from questions used by Neil Cole who in turn adapted them from Charles Swindoll and Howard Hendricks. Others were adapted from "queries" used by Friends for many years. Please note that some emphasize what we should do, while others emphasize what we should not do
Have you verbally shared your faith in Christ this week?
Have you found joy in the Lord through prayer, Bible reading, gathering for worship, and a lifestyle of giving thanks in all circumstances?
Have you forgiven everyone who hurt you or disappointed you, seeking to resolve any conflict with love and understanding?
Have you damaged another person by your words, either behind their back or face to face? Have you kept away from racist jokes and comments?
Have you avoided emotional or sexual intimacy outside of marriage this week? Have you engaged in lustful attitudes, pornography or sexually explicit communication?
Have you actively nourished your marriage, family and friends in Christ, making your home a pleasant, peaceful place? Have you kept marriage and family in balance with work and career?
Have you given to Christ all you own and all you influence? Have you been completely above reproach in your financial dealings, prompt in paying your debts, careful to live within your income, honoring Christ with gifts and offerings?
Have you sought to be a good steward of the natural resources that God has surrounded you with, including but not limited to recycling materials and items for others to use. Have you choosen to live with less than more so that the gospel can be preached to all and that those with nothing may have their needs met?
Have you succumbed to a bad habit, personal addiction, substance abuse, or kept any kind of idol in your heart, such as greed for money or from the abuse of good things, such as food and medications?
Have you deceived anyone, told half-truths or outright lies this week?
Have you taken a day of rest and restoration this week?
Visit for more questions or querries.
Good Questions for Leadership
Have we prayerfully listened for the voice of the Good Shepherd, discerned what God was doing and guided our church body where its Head, our Lord Jesus Christ, led us?
Have we served others by doing good? Have we proclaimed the gospel, fulfilling the Great Commission in the spirit of the Great Commandment?
Have we obeyed the Scriptures, by giving correction to those who have gone astray?
Have we built unity for important steps of faith, asking for church-wide prayer and feedback?
Have we tried to squelch gossip, and instead encouraged the disgruntled to talk to the right person in the right spirit?
Have we dealt fairly with conflict and tried to bring about biblical reconciliation?
Have we stayed active—personally and as a body—in sharing our faith, making disciples and developing leaders? Have we encouraged all of our people to use their unique spiritual gifts?
Have we faithfully taught the word and truth of God, including those testimonies which we as believers have been called to share?
Visit for more questions or querries.
Have we served others by doing good? Have we proclaimed the gospel, fulfilling the Great Commission in the spirit of the Great Commandment?
Have we obeyed the Scriptures, by giving correction to those who have gone astray?
Have we built unity for important steps of faith, asking for church-wide prayer and feedback?
Have we tried to squelch gossip, and instead encouraged the disgruntled to talk to the right person in the right spirit?
Have we dealt fairly with conflict and tried to bring about biblical reconciliation?
Have we stayed active—personally and as a body—in sharing our faith, making disciples and developing leaders? Have we encouraged all of our people to use their unique spiritual gifts?
Have we faithfully taught the word and truth of God, including those testimonies which we as believers have been called to share?
Visit for more questions or querries.
Monday, August 29
The "Ancient Church" was a Family... A Christian Mediterranean Family System
As I get deeper into the understanding of how the early church operated, I am beginning to understand that they operated as a family, not as a "modern day church". The deeper understanding of early Christian church must be put through the eyes of a Mediterranean Family System (MFS).
Sharing common meals and having all things in common was much more than just sitting around tables eating and sharing what happened during the week. It was a lifestyle or social struture that affected all other parts of their life. They became family. They became brothers and sisters.
Here are a couple of the values of the "ancient" church and how they operated as a family. First, they viewed each other as siblings... You did the following to each other much as a MFS would operate. MFS Siblings shared certain values that in today' western individualistic minutest would seem foreign and counter productive.
1. Refraining from avenging a wrong suffered at the hand of another community member
2. Equitable distribution of the communities resources to meet the pressing needs of fellow Christians
3. Honoring, rather than seeking honor from, one's siblings in the faith
4. Manumitting, or at least in other ways treating as a "beloved brother", a slave who had become a Christian brother.
in Paul's writings, family loyalty or "faith family" loyalty is one of his primary themes. He continually pulls his readers into an understanding that we are now a "family of believers". Not a group or gathering, but rather a MFS gathering of believers.
The value of being family was one of the most important themes carried through the New Testament writings. We must change our thinking in the West if we are going to understand why the church was so affective and effective in the first 3 centuries of it's history.
Below is a copy of how Christians had so rocked the pagan world. The MFS of Christianity was bugging the pagans so bad that they realized that they too had better change or loose control of their systems.
The religion of the Greeks does not yet prosper as I would wish, on account of those who profess it. But the gifts of the gods are great and splendid, better than any prayer or any hope . . . Indeed, a little while ago no one would have dared even to pray for a such change, and so complete a one in so short a space of time [i.e., the arrival of Julian himself, a reforming traditionalist, on the throne]. Why then do we think that this is sufficient and do not observe how the kindness of Christians to strangers, their care for the burial of their dead, and the sobriety of their lifestyle has done the most to advance their cause?
Each of these things, I think, ought really to be practiced by us. It is not sufficient for you alone to practice them, but so must all the priests in Galatia [in modern Turkey] without exception. Either make these men good by shaming them, persuade them to become so or fire them . . . Secondly, exhort the priests neither to approach a theater nor to drink in a tavern, nor to profess any base or infamous trade. Honor those who obey and expel those who disobey.
Julian the Apostate, Letter to Arsacius
The Emperor Julian, who reigned around the year 360, like all Emperors, was Pontifex Maximus, Chief Priest of the State Religion.
If you are interested in a good book to read about all of this stuff. I suggest the following.
The Ancient Church As Family
by Dr. Joseph H. Hellerman
He does a great job in helping us understand the MFS mindset and how it differs from Postmodern and Modern Western Individualism.
Sharing common meals and having all things in common was much more than just sitting around tables eating and sharing what happened during the week. It was a lifestyle or social struture that affected all other parts of their life. They became family. They became brothers and sisters.
Here are a couple of the values of the "ancient" church and how they operated as a family. First, they viewed each other as siblings... You did the following to each other much as a MFS would operate. MFS Siblings shared certain values that in today' western individualistic minutest would seem foreign and counter productive.
1. Refraining from avenging a wrong suffered at the hand of another community member
2. Equitable distribution of the communities resources to meet the pressing needs of fellow Christians
3. Honoring, rather than seeking honor from, one's siblings in the faith
4. Manumitting, or at least in other ways treating as a "beloved brother", a slave who had become a Christian brother.
in Paul's writings, family loyalty or "faith family" loyalty is one of his primary themes. He continually pulls his readers into an understanding that we are now a "family of believers". Not a group or gathering, but rather a MFS gathering of believers.
The value of being family was one of the most important themes carried through the New Testament writings. We must change our thinking in the West if we are going to understand why the church was so affective and effective in the first 3 centuries of it's history.
Below is a copy of how Christians had so rocked the pagan world. The MFS of Christianity was bugging the pagans so bad that they realized that they too had better change or loose control of their systems.
The religion of the Greeks does not yet prosper as I would wish, on account of those who profess it. But the gifts of the gods are great and splendid, better than any prayer or any hope . . . Indeed, a little while ago no one would have dared even to pray for a such change, and so complete a one in so short a space of time [i.e., the arrival of Julian himself, a reforming traditionalist, on the throne]. Why then do we think that this is sufficient and do not observe how the kindness of Christians to strangers, their care for the burial of their dead, and the sobriety of their lifestyle has done the most to advance their cause?
Each of these things, I think, ought really to be practiced by us. It is not sufficient for you alone to practice them, but so must all the priests in Galatia [in modern Turkey] without exception. Either make these men good by shaming them, persuade them to become so or fire them . . . Secondly, exhort the priests neither to approach a theater nor to drink in a tavern, nor to profess any base or infamous trade. Honor those who obey and expel those who disobey.
Julian the Apostate, Letter to Arsacius
The Emperor Julian, who reigned around the year 360, like all Emperors, was Pontifex Maximus, Chief Priest of the State Religion.
If you are interested in a good book to read about all of this stuff. I suggest the following.
The Ancient Church As Family
by Dr. Joseph H. Hellerman
He does a great job in helping us understand the MFS mindset and how it differs from Postmodern and Modern Western Individualism.
Friday, August 26
The Making of a Modern Dad, by
Check out this recent article on Dads and Hormones...
It is more natural than we think for Dad's to nurture their kids.
Click Here.
Quote from Article.
"The research suggests that a man's hormones may play an important role in helping him experience this full range of emotions especially in becoming a loving and devoted dad. In fact, it offers the first evidence that to nurture is part of man's nature."
It is more natural than we think for Dad's to nurture their kids.
Click Here.
Quote from Article.
"The research suggests that a man's hormones may play an important role in helping him experience this full range of emotions especially in becoming a loving and devoted dad. In fact, it offers the first evidence that to nurture is part of man's nature."
Revolution: Barna's New Book coming soon.
Here is a good review of Barna's new book coming out. Tall Skinny Kiwi does a great job of reviewing the resource. I will read this one. Seems to support what is going on in the House Church/Simple Church movement. According to Andrew Jones, it is a little short of seeing the bigger picture around the world.
Click Here.
Click Here.
Sunday, August 21
Traditional Church thoughts on "Cycle of House Church".
I feel it is worth reading and also worth reminding us to live the life and not just talk about it.
Click Here.
Click Here.
Saturday, August 20
"Out of Church" warning from Andrew Strom
Check out a warning against house church and simple church stuff...
"There are praying church people - totally in the "system" - who leave us for dead in the areas that truly matter - the areas of the "heart" - our relationship with God and our love for people. Go and meet these "praying grandmas" sometime. Many of them honestly leave us for dead."
Click Here!
"There are praying church people - totally in the "system" - who leave us for dead in the areas that truly matter - the areas of the "heart" - our relationship with God and our love for people. Go and meet these "praying grandmas" sometime. Many of them honestly leave us for dead."
Click Here!
Friday, August 19
Encouraging Testimony of a life changed!
Click here to here a testimony from Roger Thoman on reaching someone for Jesus Christ. It is all about being available and listening to the Holy Spirit.
What is the "End Game" of Simple Church?
Harold Behr has a great thought on the end game of Simple Church. You can read the article here.
Brag/Love on your kids...
Remember that Church begins at home. Let your kids know that you love them and that God loves them deeply. We are reading through Acts with our kids. It is amazing how much they are enjoying it.
With all the negative input that our kids get from other media, we need to offset the mis-information by helping them understand how much God loves them and how much we love them.
With all the negative input that our kids get from other media, we need to offset the mis-information by helping them understand how much God loves them and how much we love them.
Thursday, August 18
Franklin Lake Aquaculture Farm
The official sign to the Hot Springs... You can catch it off of Creston Road coming out of Paso Robles towards Creston.
Enjoying the slide but not the smell of the water!
The only down side to a sulfur spring is the smell. I am not sure if she is enjoying the smell or if she is getting ready to impact the water.
Slider Dude
Little Dude taking the Slide Tube At Franklin Hot Springs, Paso Robles, CA
Franklin Hot Springs, Paso Robles
You got to try this out. A great place to relax, look at the stars and remember that God exists.
That pipe in the middle puts out 900 Gallons per minute of Sulfur Hot Springs Water. 98.8 F. constant.
That pipe in the middle puts out 900 Gallons per minute of Sulfur Hot Springs Water. 98.8 F. constant.
Growing Fast
Here is the update of what a 3 1/2 month old looks like after living on the nectar of life. She is growing up so fast! Can you tell whose head is 2 years old and which one is 3 1/2 months?
Tuesday, August 16
A young girl named Amber wrote those words on my white board a few days ago. Little did she know that God has been working that thought in my heart. "Bill, if you want people to have the peace of God in their lives, you will have to battle for it."
The quote is from a Vegetis , however I think in a spiritual sense it is true. Peace only comes after the battle for our soul/hearts is won. We need people to battle for the souls of others, not with words of hate/criticism, or negativity. Battle on our knees, and see if God is't who he says he is. "Lord of the Angel Armies"!
Putting on the full armor of God is a "military" thing. So many times the Bible uses military terms to describe this war of evil vs. God.
If we want peace in the lives of people, will will have to prepare for war. No greater way to prepare for battle then to do it in prayer.
Pray for victory in the lives of people, I believe that the battle begins and ends on our knees, the rest is just fruit for the pick'in.
The quote is from a Vegetis , however I think in a spiritual sense it is true. Peace only comes after the battle for our soul/hearts is won. We need people to battle for the souls of others, not with words of hate/criticism, or negativity. Battle on our knees, and see if God is't who he says he is. "Lord of the Angel Armies"!
Putting on the full armor of God is a "military" thing. So many times the Bible uses military terms to describe this war of evil vs. God.
If we want peace in the lives of people, will will have to prepare for war. No greater way to prepare for battle then to do it in prayer.
Pray for victory in the lives of people, I believe that the battle begins and ends on our knees, the rest is just fruit for the pick'in.
Sunday, August 14
The Church that Jesus Built?
I find it interesting that a buddy of mine is starting to blog. Check out his thoughts on church. He is dedicating his blog to the discussion and origin of church.
Click Here
Click Here
Tuesday, August 9
The Boom!
This morning I was in Los Angeles and people were awoken by a boom. A big sonic boom. The Space Shuttle made it home.
When we walk into a room or our place of work, do people here the "BOOM!" that knowing Jesus Christ makes? Do our "works" for Christ Boom in the face of a world looking for peace?
Just needed to blog while I was away from home. Hope to be home soon!
When we walk into a room or our place of work, do people here the "BOOM!" that knowing Jesus Christ makes? Do our "works" for Christ Boom in the face of a world looking for peace?
Just needed to blog while I was away from home. Hope to be home soon!
Thursday, August 4
Sharing Christ through Relationship not Confrontation
I have been thinking and studying this topic for some time. I am convinced that Harold is on to something here. We need to study and understand what he is talking about. Imparting Life takes time and prayer.
Click Here
Click Here
Tuesday, August 2
Sharpening Our Focus for the Battle by Jim Burns
I believe this is a great article by a respected mentor in my life. You might like to read it. It is about staying focussed and balanced as a believer and a person committed to your family. We all know that Church begins at Home not anywhere else.
Click Here
Click Here
Simple Church Basics: Building Community
Ever seen the movie Return to Me? Bob Rueland, a Chicago building contractor, treasures life with his beautiful wife until a fatal automobile accident alters his life. Meanwhile the family and friends of Grace Briggs, the daughter of a funny Irishman who owns an Italian restaurant, are elated when a donor’s heart is secured to prolong Grace’s life. Bob and Grace meet through a twist of fate and after falling in love, Grace comes across information that ways heavy on her heart.
Grace is faced with the issue of full disclosure. At first, Grace fears disclosing to Bob her heart condition, however after coming across information that she is the recipient of Bob’s wife’s heart, she is overwhelmed with fear until she discloses the truth to Bob. Grace had a grasp that pure/genuine relationships can only take place in the midst of full honest disclosure. Until she could be truthful with Bob about everything, their relationship would lack depth and meaning.
Our relationship with our Maker, our spouse, and our spiritual community is much the same way. We must be able to talk freely about our fears and failures if we are to build any depth into our relationships. Confessing our sins to God and to one another is a vital step in our spiritual journey (James 5:16). Much like Grace understood that she is unable to have a “true relationship” with Bob without full disclosure, we too must understand that without open honest relationships, we will fail in our journey towards fellowship with God, our spouse/family , and our spiritual gathering. Here are some practical thoughts in nurturing your most vital relationships.
1. Talk to God in prayer about everything in your life. You may think that it is insignificant, however God desires a relationship with you not your “want” list. Read His word to understand his thoughts on the topic. Talk to Him about your fears, failures, joys, and successes. Don’t ever stop sharing your heart with Him.
2. Full disclosure with a spouse/family can be difficult at times. However, I have found that over time, it is better to know and understand each other’s struggles than to live in denial. If this has not been a regular part of your relationship with your spouse, I would encourage you to discuss the idea of “full disclosure” and then as each spouse feels led, share needs, fears, and successes. Pray with each other over them and continue to understand each other deeply. Gather tools to encourage each other and pray for each other daily. You cannot pass on to your kids and grandchildren something that you are unable to practice yourself.
3. Appropriately share with your spiritual community. Confessing our sins one to another is a humbling practice. However, I urge you to do it with wisdom. Confession is not for the purpose of “fixing” each other, but rather encouraging each other to live a life of purity before God. When things are brought into the open it takes the devil’s foothold off your life. It may be appropriate at times to break the group into smaller gender specific groups of men, women, and young people.
Just as Grace understood that her relationship with Bob would never be meaningful without fully disclosing her condition and whose heart she had, we too will never understand true community until we learn to disclose our challenges to God, our spouse/family, and our spiritual community. Paul shares with the Thessalonian church that he not only shared the Gospel of God but his life, that is why they became such dear brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ. May you begin to understand the power of true community in the midst of your challenges. Remember that Jesus Christ is made perfect in our weakness not just in our strengths.
Grace is faced with the issue of full disclosure. At first, Grace fears disclosing to Bob her heart condition, however after coming across information that she is the recipient of Bob’s wife’s heart, she is overwhelmed with fear until she discloses the truth to Bob. Grace had a grasp that pure/genuine relationships can only take place in the midst of full honest disclosure. Until she could be truthful with Bob about everything, their relationship would lack depth and meaning.
Our relationship with our Maker, our spouse, and our spiritual community is much the same way. We must be able to talk freely about our fears and failures if we are to build any depth into our relationships. Confessing our sins to God and to one another is a vital step in our spiritual journey (James 5:16). Much like Grace understood that she is unable to have a “true relationship” with Bob without full disclosure, we too must understand that without open honest relationships, we will fail in our journey towards fellowship with God, our spouse/family , and our spiritual gathering. Here are some practical thoughts in nurturing your most vital relationships.
1. Talk to God in prayer about everything in your life. You may think that it is insignificant, however God desires a relationship with you not your “want” list. Read His word to understand his thoughts on the topic. Talk to Him about your fears, failures, joys, and successes. Don’t ever stop sharing your heart with Him.
2. Full disclosure with a spouse/family can be difficult at times. However, I have found that over time, it is better to know and understand each other’s struggles than to live in denial. If this has not been a regular part of your relationship with your spouse, I would encourage you to discuss the idea of “full disclosure” and then as each spouse feels led, share needs, fears, and successes. Pray with each other over them and continue to understand each other deeply. Gather tools to encourage each other and pray for each other daily. You cannot pass on to your kids and grandchildren something that you are unable to practice yourself.
3. Appropriately share with your spiritual community. Confessing our sins one to another is a humbling practice. However, I urge you to do it with wisdom. Confession is not for the purpose of “fixing” each other, but rather encouraging each other to live a life of purity before God. When things are brought into the open it takes the devil’s foothold off your life. It may be appropriate at times to break the group into smaller gender specific groups of men, women, and young people.
Just as Grace understood that her relationship with Bob would never be meaningful without fully disclosing her condition and whose heart she had, we too will never understand true community until we learn to disclose our challenges to God, our spouse/family, and our spiritual community. Paul shares with the Thessalonian church that he not only shared the Gospel of God but his life, that is why they became such dear brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ. May you begin to understand the power of true community in the midst of your challenges. Remember that Jesus Christ is made perfect in our weakness not just in our strengths.
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