After reading through the Gospel of John with another young man I found myself face-to-face with two crucial questions: “What am I intentionally doing with my immediate family to encourage them in the Great Commission and the Great Commandments?” and “How are they multiplying the Gospel in the lives of others?” Bill came to realize that the greatest legacy anyone can leave is children who carry the Light of Jesus to their children and their grandchildren. As a result I concluded there were at least four things crucial to intentional ministry multiplication through our families which I could implement.
I began to discuss the Great Commandments (Mark 12:29-31) and the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-19) with my family. “What do these Scripture passages mean and how do they impact my life?” Information must move to application, so we developed a list of practical ways that our family could fulfill these “Greats”. Young people love to give their input and anything we can do to foster the possibility that Scripture applies to them right here and right now is a big win! We broke the idea into three categories: How do we love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength? How do we love our neighbors? Who do we know who do not know Jesus and how can we share Jesus with them? Once these questions began to be answered, I used sticky notes on a window in the house to help organize the various inputs from family members. Each sticky note represented an idea for one of the categories.
Children need both a personal understanding of Scripture and a method for how to pass this knowledge on to the next generation. The principals of Scripture are timeless however the “how to” or the practical workings of personal application change with each generation. Once our list of potential ways to apply the “Greats” was formed, we began to pray over them asking God to guide and provide opportunities for us to accomplish each one.
Second, I realized the need to educate my family on the importance of prayer by modeling, journaling, and celebrating prayer moments with them. A dear friend of mine once told me, “More is caught then taught”. Modeling prayer to our family is the most practical way of educating them. Teaching them to inquire from their friends about prayer needs they may have and showing them how to use a prayer journal to watch God answer their prayers is crucial. In a digital, fast-paced world, yesterday is forgotten so quickly. Keeping a journal of these marvelous prayer moments in the history of our family and friends will remind our families about the “realness” of God for years to come. Remember to celebrate answered prayer. We need to make a big deal over answered prayer. Throw a party as least once a month to remind the family that God is still answering prayer! Answered prayer is worth celebrating!
Third, I reminded my family that even the smallest thing done for Jesus matters. When making the list of things to do for the Great Commandment and the Great Commission, we remembered that even small things count for the Kingdom. One example is to remind your family of the child’s small lunch that was multiplied to feed thousands of people (John 6:1-12). Often true ministry seems to go unnoticed or even unappreciated, but God is watching and remembers even the “cups of cold water” we share. Praise each other for the small things accomplished. Even a penny in a jar over time increases in weight and worth! Teach them to be attentive to the little things, God will provide the big opportunities. First be faithful with the small things!
Finally, we partnered with another local family who shares our values and vision for multiplying ministry through families. We began to pray for our community and neighborhood. We also watched for opportunities God opened for us to serve, share testimony, pray for those around us, and share the joy of knowing Jesus Christ. Intentional proactive ministry is crucial to fulfilling our spiritual mandate as our families pass on Jesus Christ from generation to generation. Imagine the possibilities as your family carries the Gospel from one generation to the next!
Inviting youth and families to experience God through the power of the Holy Spirit in a simple church context.
Monday, October 16
Thursday, October 5
Back 2 School Back Pack Outreach
Reaching out to the community and the need. Almost 200 backpacks distributed, 100 crazy corn, lots of shaved ice, and time to share the gospel with the kids.
Organic Church: Harvest Time
Farmers along the Central Coast of California are hiring extra hands to get the harvest collected, packed, and processed. Tractors and harvesters are driving on the roads like regular cars and the foliage is changing color. Harvest time in Paso Robles is picturesque and festive. The leaves of the trees and vines change from a lush fertile green to deep reds, muted purples, burnt oranges, pale yellows and a host of combinations. A festival of color: Creation'’s way of celebrating the harvest.
The earth must look like that to the Lord of the Harvest. Jesus is probably looking down to this earth and thinking. . . “Open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for the harvest!” (John 4:35) He is out searching for people who are willing to work with Him to harvest our community, our neighbors, or our coworkers. The Lord of the Harvest will teach us the necessary skills. We just need to be willing and teachable to participate in the Harvest. We need to be available!
The Lord is nudging people to participate in the harvest of souls. I would love to talk with you about what the Holy Spirit is speaking to your heart. If your heart is burning with an idea of starting something small in your home or a local community here along the Central Coast of California, please email me at . Let'’s take a look at the field where the Lord of the Harvest wants you to prepare the soil and tend to the plant growth. It may be time to start planting the field for next season harvest!
Thursday, August 3
Stepping Out of the Boat
Our theme for the morning worship gathering was Peter walking on water, a story in which I am deeply familiar. Lindsay our oldest daughter picked a couple of songs to sing and we spent a little time in fellowship. As I began to teach, the Lord spoke so clearly to me that I was compelled to share the thoughts with you. It appears that our greatest fear in reaching out to others with the good news about Jesus may not be the message about Jesus but rather the fear of getting out of the boat and letting go of the side.
Peter was a courageous man or maybe to the other disciples a bit crazy. Compulsive as he was, he was willing to step out and do things that the other disciples were only able to watch. Imagine being in the boat with Peter and all of a sudden Peter steps out of a floating boat during a storm. That first step must have been mind numbing. Which wave to step on? How to keep your balance? Which part of the boat to get out of? When to let go of the side of the boat after your feet touch the water? All those things come to mind, yet Peter stepped over the side and let go!
I think it may be that way when it comes to sharing Christ with others. We worry so much about the details of how, when, who, and what to say, that we never get our bodies over the side of the boat and allow Jesus to do the miracle of salvation. We may have less to do with bringing others to Jesus than we think. It may be that we just need to get over the side and let go of our security. We need to let Jesus do the miracle in the person’s life. We need to just take courage and know that Jesus is who He says He is.
At the end of the story Jesus shared wisdom with Peter. These words continue to ring in my ears… Take Courage! We must take courage if we are going to let go of the side of the boat! We must trust that Jesus is able to do the miracle of salvation. We must exercise our faith in Jesus. He will work in the heart and soul of a person. We are responsible to plant a seed of spiritual distraction, distracting individuals from their mundane life and replacing in their hearts a question about what a life with Jesus would look like. Jesus Christ is right here right now. He is able to save, comfort, care, and guide. Let’s all get out of the boat and let go of the side! I need to let Jesus do the miracles, and I need to take courage!
Peter was a courageous man or maybe to the other disciples a bit crazy. Compulsive as he was, he was willing to step out and do things that the other disciples were only able to watch. Imagine being in the boat with Peter and all of a sudden Peter steps out of a floating boat during a storm. That first step must have been mind numbing. Which wave to step on? How to keep your balance? Which part of the boat to get out of? When to let go of the side of the boat after your feet touch the water? All those things come to mind, yet Peter stepped over the side and let go!
I think it may be that way when it comes to sharing Christ with others. We worry so much about the details of how, when, who, and what to say, that we never get our bodies over the side of the boat and allow Jesus to do the miracle of salvation. We may have less to do with bringing others to Jesus than we think. It may be that we just need to get over the side and let go of our security. We need to let Jesus do the miracle in the person’s life. We need to just take courage and know that Jesus is who He says He is.
At the end of the story Jesus shared wisdom with Peter. These words continue to ring in my ears… Take Courage! We must take courage if we are going to let go of the side of the boat! We must trust that Jesus is able to do the miracle of salvation. We must exercise our faith in Jesus. He will work in the heart and soul of a person. We are responsible to plant a seed of spiritual distraction, distracting individuals from their mundane life and replacing in their hearts a question about what a life with Jesus would look like. Jesus Christ is right here right now. He is able to save, comfort, care, and guide. Let’s all get out of the boat and let go of the side! I need to let Jesus do the miracles, and I need to take courage!
Thursday, June 8
Three Categories: Seek out the Seekers when planting Simple Churches!
When gathering people to experience community in a Simple Church, we have gained understanding through some strategic coaching that “Three Categories of People” participate in church planting movements. We must understand and learn to identify these “People Categories” so that the work of Jesus Christ is not hindered by ignorance. Also, so that true seekers of God can have the freedom to participate as members of Christ’s body and not be distracted, controlled, or discouraged by the subtle craftiness of the evil one. The three categories are Seekers, Siphons, and Saboteurs. We will focus our attention onto the important category of the Seeker.
Seekers are what we are looking for when we plant churches and what we ourselves should model to those around us, individuals on whom the Lord has placed a deep desire to know Him and follow His voice during the expansion of His Kingdom here on earth. We never change from being a seeker we only mature in the matter of listening, obeying, and understanding God. We are to earnestly seek God all our life, a life-long learner of Jesus Christ, or perhaps we may call ourselves a disciple of Jesus Christ.
Seekers eventually after much seeking learn humility becoming patient people who know and understand that they have not yet arrived at complete spiritual maturity nor will they until they see Jesus Christ face to face in Heaven. A newborn Seeker desires the Word of God and has a deep desire to grow in their understanding of God and how to communicate with others their newfound relationship with Jesus Christ.
A mature Seeker approaches people and life with a sense of peace and understanding knowing that God is leading and He will guide in all circumstances. They trust the character of God in all circumstances. They believe that they have much to learn from the life of Jesus Christ and what He desires to do in their community and in their sphere of relationships. They are thankful people willing to be grateful in all circumstances because they understand that God is working His will in their life and in those around them.
Seekers are willing to listen to the still small voice of God. They grow in relationship with Jesus Christ through the wisdom of His Word (Bible), the testimony of His saints (Mature Seekers who have gone before us), and His still small voice that guides them into all matters of life and Godliness. They trust that Jesus Christ will put them in situations that allow them to grow and mature so that He can use them to build His Kingdom here in their community.
Josh and Jasmine are classic Seekers. They have been to our home three times and we are starting a gathering with them this coming Saturday night. God drew them to us as we were out looking for seekers. They are trying to understand life and how it all fits. They are the definition of the type of people that God wants us to share His gospel of peace and love. It is not the healthy (The Know It Alls) that need a doctor but the sick (Those with a clear understanding of their needs), Christ came to bring healing to the sick and hopeless. Ask God to draw some Seekers to your sphere of relationships. Consider the possibilities of what would happen if each of us asked the Lord to simply bring one Seeker into our lives. This is how a Simple Church begins… simply gathering seekers to listen to Jesus Christ and His message of salvation and hope.
Seekers are what we are looking for when we plant churches and what we ourselves should model to those around us, individuals on whom the Lord has placed a deep desire to know Him and follow His voice during the expansion of His Kingdom here on earth. We never change from being a seeker we only mature in the matter of listening, obeying, and understanding God. We are to earnestly seek God all our life, a life-long learner of Jesus Christ, or perhaps we may call ourselves a disciple of Jesus Christ.
Seekers eventually after much seeking learn humility becoming patient people who know and understand that they have not yet arrived at complete spiritual maturity nor will they until they see Jesus Christ face to face in Heaven. A newborn Seeker desires the Word of God and has a deep desire to grow in their understanding of God and how to communicate with others their newfound relationship with Jesus Christ.
A mature Seeker approaches people and life with a sense of peace and understanding knowing that God is leading and He will guide in all circumstances. They trust the character of God in all circumstances. They believe that they have much to learn from the life of Jesus Christ and what He desires to do in their community and in their sphere of relationships. They are thankful people willing to be grateful in all circumstances because they understand that God is working His will in their life and in those around them.
Seekers are willing to listen to the still small voice of God. They grow in relationship with Jesus Christ through the wisdom of His Word (Bible), the testimony of His saints (Mature Seekers who have gone before us), and His still small voice that guides them into all matters of life and Godliness. They trust that Jesus Christ will put them in situations that allow them to grow and mature so that He can use them to build His Kingdom here in their community.
Josh and Jasmine are classic Seekers. They have been to our home three times and we are starting a gathering with them this coming Saturday night. God drew them to us as we were out looking for seekers. They are trying to understand life and how it all fits. They are the definition of the type of people that God wants us to share His gospel of peace and love. It is not the healthy (The Know It Alls) that need a doctor but the sick (Those with a clear understanding of their needs), Christ came to bring healing to the sick and hopeless. Ask God to draw some Seekers to your sphere of relationships. Consider the possibilities of what would happen if each of us asked the Lord to simply bring one Seeker into our lives. This is how a Simple Church begins… simply gathering seekers to listen to Jesus Christ and His message of salvation and hope.
Wednesday, May 31
Three Categories of People in Church Planting Movements
When gathering people to experience community in a Simple Church, we have gained understanding through some strategic coaching that “Three Categories of People” participate in church planting movements. We must understand and learn to identify these “People Categories” so that the work of Jesus Christ is not hindered by ignorance. Also, so that true seekers of God can have the freedom to participate as members of Christ’s body and not be distracted, controlled, or discouraged by the subtle craftiness of the evil one. The three categories are Seekers, Siphons, and Saboteurs.
Monday, May 8
Multiplying Ministry through our Families
Have you read Malachi 2:15? Did you know that God desires godly offspring? God wants us to influence future generations towards a relationship with Jesus Christ and His values. I am reminded that as I minister, I must never forget that our first and primary place for multiplying these Godly values is at home in our family.
During a recent 21-day discipleship journey with a young man through the Gospel of John, I was deeply convicted that the Church must begin at home. I asked this question, “What am I intentionally doing with our immediate family to encourage them in the Great Commission and the Great Commandment?” “How are they multiplying the Gospel in the lives of others?”
I am not discounting the benefits of gathering new disciples into the body of Christ and equipping them to minister, for this I also am convinced. I must make it a priority that our children grasp these “Great” values “as much as” or “more than” those to whom I minister. I must prayerfully create opportunities for our family to practice and ponder these values. The greatest legacy that I can leave is that of our children carrying the light of salvation, a relationship with Jesus Christ, to their grandchildren. The result will be a natural multiplication of God’s work around them.
Four ways to “multiply ministry” through our families for generations to come.
1. Discuss with your family the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:35-40) and the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20). Together make a list of ways to fulfill these “Greats”. Pray over the list and allow God to guide (Ephesians 2:10).
2. Encourage your family to pray with their friends. Be an example of this with your friends and associates. Educate your family on the importance of prayer (James 5:16b). Teach them the question, “If there was anything that you wanted me to pray for, what would it be?” Encourage them to keep a prayer journal and watch God answer their prayers.
3. Remind your kids that even the small things done for Jesus Christ matter. Ministry may sometimes be something that is never noticed or praised (Matthew 6:6; Luke 16:10; John 6:1-14; Matthew 5:16)
4. Locate a family or friend of like-mindedness and begin praying once a week for people in your community. After God reveals an opportunity to minister, follow through on it and give testimony at your next gathering. If possible, share your testimony in your church/meeting on what God led your prayer group to do and it’s outcome. We must share the joy! (Hebrews 10:24-25; Mark 5:19)
This intentionality allows us the opportunity to fulfill what I believe is a spiritual mandate for my family, “to live our life as Jesus would live it if He were in our shoes and to fuel a worldwide church multiplication movement that our grandchildren’s grandchildren are compelled to expand.” Consider the possibilities if just your family carried the values of God to the next generation what an incredible impact it would have! We must be convinced that church begins at home. God’s values are to be multiplied forward to our grandchildren’s grandchildren.
During a recent 21-day discipleship journey with a young man through the Gospel of John, I was deeply convicted that the Church must begin at home. I asked this question, “What am I intentionally doing with our immediate family to encourage them in the Great Commission and the Great Commandment?” “How are they multiplying the Gospel in the lives of others?”
I am not discounting the benefits of gathering new disciples into the body of Christ and equipping them to minister, for this I also am convinced. I must make it a priority that our children grasp these “Great” values “as much as” or “more than” those to whom I minister. I must prayerfully create opportunities for our family to practice and ponder these values. The greatest legacy that I can leave is that of our children carrying the light of salvation, a relationship with Jesus Christ, to their grandchildren. The result will be a natural multiplication of God’s work around them.
Four ways to “multiply ministry” through our families for generations to come.
1. Discuss with your family the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:35-40) and the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20). Together make a list of ways to fulfill these “Greats”. Pray over the list and allow God to guide (Ephesians 2:10).
2. Encourage your family to pray with their friends. Be an example of this with your friends and associates. Educate your family on the importance of prayer (James 5:16b). Teach them the question, “If there was anything that you wanted me to pray for, what would it be?” Encourage them to keep a prayer journal and watch God answer their prayers.
3. Remind your kids that even the small things done for Jesus Christ matter. Ministry may sometimes be something that is never noticed or praised (Matthew 6:6; Luke 16:10; John 6:1-14; Matthew 5:16)
4. Locate a family or friend of like-mindedness and begin praying once a week for people in your community. After God reveals an opportunity to minister, follow through on it and give testimony at your next gathering. If possible, share your testimony in your church/meeting on what God led your prayer group to do and it’s outcome. We must share the joy! (Hebrews 10:24-25; Mark 5:19)
This intentionality allows us the opportunity to fulfill what I believe is a spiritual mandate for my family, “to live our life as Jesus would live it if He were in our shoes and to fuel a worldwide church multiplication movement that our grandchildren’s grandchildren are compelled to expand.” Consider the possibilities if just your family carried the values of God to the next generation what an incredible impact it would have! We must be convinced that church begins at home. God’s values are to be multiplied forward to our grandchildren’s grandchildren.
Tuesday, April 4
21 Day's in John... Discipleship is about a Relationship!
I have begun a journey to disciple a young person one on one in 21 consecutive days. This is not fast food discipleship, but rather pushing people, including myself, into a pattern of thinking and searching for the answers about life in the Jesus Christ, daily! Hopefully, Establishing them into a spiritual community and asking them to duplicate what we are doing with someone else. We are going through the Book of John but have on a couple of mornings taken rabbit trails to other passages as the Spirit leads. We may or may not continue after 21 days, however the time spent seems to be planting seeds of hope and life in both of us.
The first such “victim” is a young man by the name of Dillion, single..21... full of energy and enthusiasm. He did come out of a religious background. However, he turned away from sin towards Christ about 15 days ago. We have been meeting every morning for 11 days with a fresh cup of Java and the Bible on my porch. We are simply going through the book of John one chapter a day and talking about life as it enters our conversations. I only ask him to read the chapter one additional time later that day and journal some thoughts before the next morning meeting. We discuss the journal thoughts the next day before reading the next chapter. Life just comes out of these meetings. You begin to deal with everything. I am beginning to understand why Paul met with the people in the temple courts “daily”. Paul could not wait 21 Sunday’s to establish people in the understanding of the Gospel.
The relationship is about seeking Jesus Christ and not a One Up and One Down, “I know better than you” relationship. Both of us are urged to ask questions and encourage each other to pursue Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit is the center of the meetings, leading, guiding, exposing and encouraging us as we seek to know Jesus Christ more and more. Prayer comes in naturally about life issues and religious things. It just happens. The prayer that seems to reoccur is one for our families.
During these meetings, the Holy Spirit seems to have guided us to pursue a specific group of young people with the Gospel. He has also led Dillion to start meeting with someone else on this same 21 day pattern of discipleship. Please keep Dillion in your prayers as we seek to disciple people into knowing that Jesus is the answer.
I was blessed by one of Dillion’s journal entries. I asked if I could publish it and send it out to my friends. He agreed. Lindsay, my daughter, typed it up for him and here it is. Please note the part that is in bold and underlined. (my emphasis) I think Dillion captures the essence of teaching people to be Christ’s disciples.
The following is by Dillion Stach
I believe that John 2:37-39 gives insight on how the Lord leads people to Himself. In verse 37 two of John the Baptists disciples follow Jesus after someone-else, John the Baptist, tells them Jesus is God.
More times than not, people begin their journey of pursuing the Lord when someone else who knows the Lord makes Him known. Notice how John, the one making God known, says, “Behold, the lamb of God!” (The word behold means to deeply contemplate and watch closely) John was simply revealing who Jesus was and saying watch and think upon Him, which is what God’s people are to do. After hearing and believing John’s testimony, they started their journey in following Yeshua. Afterwards, Jesus turns and asks the question, “What do you seek?” that’s the question that the Lord wants to settle in the heart of everyone who claims to be a follower. You need to get brutally honest before the Lord. Are you following because someone is hammering you constantly to repent and get right with God? Are you seeking to see some miracles or some amazing high? (Which is O.K to admit to the Lord) are you seeking to get our personal problems dealt with? Money? What is it? The Lord wants honesty. It’s O.K if it’s any of these. The heart is exceedingly wicked. The Lord often uses these things as bait to lure someone into a greater desire. The answer the Lord desires is how the two responded in verse 38, “Rabbi, where are you staying?” They simply wanted to know Him and spend time with Him. That’s really what Christianity is about.
If you have another desire but you feel bad now after reading this, that’s O.K. The Lord’s the only one who can put this desire in you. Confess what you have been seeking and ask the Lord to change your heart’s desire. This is where the true Christian walk begins. He’s the only one who can change your heart and He’ll do it. After your heart’s desire is settled as to just wanting to be with Him, where He is, He’s not going to just give you everything and reveal all the mysteries of God while you sit back and do nothing. He wants the pursuits, He wants your will, He wants your passion, He’s saying, “Will you trust me and leave everything else behind and count it all loss, long to be with me wherever I am? Do you trust me?” The Lord unfolds glorious mysteries to your heart as you follow Him by faith even when you don’t know where you’re going. It’s the glory of a King to search out his Maker. The Lord has gold nuggets and jewels hidden, but seek them like ravenous wolves.
The first such “victim” is a young man by the name of Dillion, single..21... full of energy and enthusiasm. He did come out of a religious background. However, he turned away from sin towards Christ about 15 days ago. We have been meeting every morning for 11 days with a fresh cup of Java and the Bible on my porch. We are simply going through the book of John one chapter a day and talking about life as it enters our conversations. I only ask him to read the chapter one additional time later that day and journal some thoughts before the next morning meeting. We discuss the journal thoughts the next day before reading the next chapter. Life just comes out of these meetings. You begin to deal with everything. I am beginning to understand why Paul met with the people in the temple courts “daily”. Paul could not wait 21 Sunday’s to establish people in the understanding of the Gospel.
The relationship is about seeking Jesus Christ and not a One Up and One Down, “I know better than you” relationship. Both of us are urged to ask questions and encourage each other to pursue Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit is the center of the meetings, leading, guiding, exposing and encouraging us as we seek to know Jesus Christ more and more. Prayer comes in naturally about life issues and religious things. It just happens. The prayer that seems to reoccur is one for our families.
During these meetings, the Holy Spirit seems to have guided us to pursue a specific group of young people with the Gospel. He has also led Dillion to start meeting with someone else on this same 21 day pattern of discipleship. Please keep Dillion in your prayers as we seek to disciple people into knowing that Jesus is the answer.
I was blessed by one of Dillion’s journal entries. I asked if I could publish it and send it out to my friends. He agreed. Lindsay, my daughter, typed it up for him and here it is. Please note the part that is in bold and underlined. (my emphasis) I think Dillion captures the essence of teaching people to be Christ’s disciples.
The following is by Dillion Stach
I believe that John 2:37-39 gives insight on how the Lord leads people to Himself. In verse 37 two of John the Baptists disciples follow Jesus after someone-else, John the Baptist, tells them Jesus is God.
More times than not, people begin their journey of pursuing the Lord when someone else who knows the Lord makes Him known. Notice how John, the one making God known, says, “Behold, the lamb of God!” (The word behold means to deeply contemplate and watch closely) John was simply revealing who Jesus was and saying watch and think upon Him, which is what God’s people are to do. After hearing and believing John’s testimony, they started their journey in following Yeshua. Afterwards, Jesus turns and asks the question, “What do you seek?” that’s the question that the Lord wants to settle in the heart of everyone who claims to be a follower. You need to get brutally honest before the Lord. Are you following because someone is hammering you constantly to repent and get right with God? Are you seeking to see some miracles or some amazing high? (Which is O.K to admit to the Lord) are you seeking to get our personal problems dealt with? Money? What is it? The Lord wants honesty. It’s O.K if it’s any of these. The heart is exceedingly wicked. The Lord often uses these things as bait to lure someone into a greater desire. The answer the Lord desires is how the two responded in verse 38, “Rabbi, where are you staying?” They simply wanted to know Him and spend time with Him. That’s really what Christianity is about.
If you have another desire but you feel bad now after reading this, that’s O.K. The Lord’s the only one who can put this desire in you. Confess what you have been seeking and ask the Lord to change your heart’s desire. This is where the true Christian walk begins. He’s the only one who can change your heart and He’ll do it. After your heart’s desire is settled as to just wanting to be with Him, where He is, He’s not going to just give you everything and reveal all the mysteries of God while you sit back and do nothing. He wants the pursuits, He wants your will, He wants your passion, He’s saying, “Will you trust me and leave everything else behind and count it all loss, long to be with me wherever I am? Do you trust me?” The Lord unfolds glorious mysteries to your heart as you follow Him by faith even when you don’t know where you’re going. It’s the glory of a King to search out his Maker. The Lord has gold nuggets and jewels hidden, but seek them like ravenous wolves.
Tuesday, January 24
Campolo and Christianity
Ok... I don't like Tony that much, however he is one to always get you fired up about "pure religion". Check out the the article on Monday Morning Insight
Wednesday, January 4
The question comes to the forefront, how do we produce better fruit for the kingdom? How do we do what God has called us to do? This is the 2006 pursuit.
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