When gathering people to experience community in a Simple Church, we have gained understanding through some strategic coaching that “Three Categories of People” participate in church planting movements. We must understand and learn to identify these “People Categories” so that the work of Jesus Christ is not hindered by ignorance. Also, so that true seekers of God can have the freedom to participate as members of Christ’s body and not be distracted, controlled, or discouraged by the subtle craftiness of the evil one. The three categories are Seekers, Siphons, and Saboteurs. We will focus our attention onto the important category of the Seeker.
Seekers are what we are looking for when we plant churches and what we ourselves should model to those around us, individuals on whom the Lord has placed a deep desire to know Him and follow His voice during the expansion of His Kingdom here on earth. We never change from being a seeker we only mature in the matter of listening, obeying, and understanding God. We are to earnestly seek God all our life, a life-long learner of Jesus Christ, or perhaps we may call ourselves a disciple of Jesus Christ.
Seekers eventually after much seeking learn humility becoming patient people who know and understand that they have not yet arrived at complete spiritual maturity nor will they until they see Jesus Christ face to face in Heaven. A newborn Seeker desires the Word of God and has a deep desire to grow in their understanding of God and how to communicate with others their newfound relationship with Jesus Christ.
A mature Seeker approaches people and life with a sense of peace and understanding knowing that God is leading and He will guide in all circumstances. They trust the character of God in all circumstances. They believe that they have much to learn from the life of Jesus Christ and what He desires to do in their community and in their sphere of relationships. They are thankful people willing to be grateful in all circumstances because they understand that God is working His will in their life and in those around them.
Seekers are willing to listen to the still small voice of God. They grow in relationship with Jesus Christ through the wisdom of His Word (Bible), the testimony of His saints (Mature Seekers who have gone before us), and His still small voice that guides them into all matters of life and Godliness. They trust that Jesus Christ will put them in situations that allow them to grow and mature so that He can use them to build His Kingdom here in their community.
Josh and Jasmine are classic Seekers. They have been to our home three times and we are starting a gathering with them this coming Saturday night. God drew them to us as we were out looking for seekers. They are trying to understand life and how it all fits. They are the definition of the type of people that God wants us to share His gospel of peace and love. It is not the healthy (The Know It Alls) that need a doctor but the sick (Those with a clear understanding of their needs), Christ came to bring healing to the sick and hopeless. Ask God to draw some Seekers to your sphere of relationships. Consider the possibilities of what would happen if each of us asked the Lord to simply bring one Seeker into our lives. This is how a Simple Church begins… simply gathering seekers to listen to Jesus Christ and His message of salvation and hope.