Tuesday, March 8

Abba Father...

Tonight was a great meeting! As a varied group of believers, we began studying the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives and what role leadership plays in the simple church model. We ended up the last two weeks discussing the origins of the laying on of hands. This discussion has not been just a run through the Bible of verses, but rather a meaningful look at the historical and cultural meaning of "laying hands on" someone or something. Tonight we tried to get into a discussion of healing and how that works within the church.

We ended up talking about the role of faith in our lives. This seems to be the normal route we go. We dive into one thing and the Lord at times leads us to discuss other items. Tonight was no different. What role does faith have when you pray over someone that is sick? We went from there to our own personal stories of how God increased our faith through lifes crazy events.

We ended up talking about how our prayers are important and that we do have something to do with the events here on earth. Our prayers matter because we are talking to a relational being, God. God desires to relate to His creation. He created us for His enjoyment and His delight. Therefore, God desires to relate and intervene in our circumstances and our endeavors.

One comment was that we can "work" God like a child works his parents. We all laughed but I began to think about the truth of that statement. Yes, we can "work" God or maybe a better way to say it is that we can "talk things over" with God in a open and transparent way. Because God is real and He does care about His creation. I am created by God therefore He does care about even the little things in my life.

God you are real, I confess that I do not always "talk things over" with you. Your truth is not only in scripture but through your interactions with your creation. God, I think I am going to "work you over" on a couple of things this next week! :-)

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