Monday, February 28

Simple Church Mission (1)

Simple Church is missional in it's DNA. Just as the church (people who have chosen to follow Jesus Christ and His teachings) are to be missional in their focus. The Simple Church strives to that end. The mission of the Simple Church is to encourage each other to love God, love each other, and to love those outside the gathering.

Loving God is the first and most important item of the mission. Each and every person in the gathering is responsible for their relationship with God. They need a daily encounter with the living God. Reading the Bible, praying, and practicing different spiritual disciplines are ways to encounter and interact with God. It is only when each member of the Simple church makes this a priority in their own lives, that the beauty of Simple Church is realized.

Coming to a gathering of believers is a rich experience when we have spent time with God throughout the week. Each person gatherered, young or old, has something to share with the meeting. We can share in our meetings from a position of overflow, rather than drought. We can give testimony to what it means to walk in the spirit all week. First Corithians fourteen comes alive in our meetings.

The first mission of the simple church is to encourage all its attenders to have a personal encounter with a living God.

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